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使用jquery-ui对话框的MVC3 Ajax链接确认对话框

[英]MVC3 Ajax link confirmation dialog using jquery-ui dialog box

I have been learning MVC 3 recently and I have found two solutions to deleting records from my list view. 我最近在学习MVC 3,并且找到了两种从列表视图中删除记录的解决方案。 However I would like components of both of them, but my lack of knowledge in javascript is making this very difficult. 但是我想要它们的组件,但是我对javascript的了解不足使这一点变得非常困难。

I have these two links for deleting: 我有两个要删除的链接:

@Html.ActionLink("Delete", "Delete", 
    new { id = item.ID }, new { @class = "delete-link" }) |
@Ajax.ActionLink("Delete Ajax", "Delete", "MyController",
    new {id = item.ID},
    new AjaxOptions {
        HttpMethod = "POST",
        OnBegin = "return ConfirmDone()",
        OnSuccess = "deleteConfirmation"

The first one uses the following javascript to delete the record: 第一个使用以下javascript删除记录:

    $(function () {
        var deleteLinkObj;
        // delete Link
        $('.delete-link').click(function () {
            deleteLinkObj = $(this);  
            return false; 

        //definition of the delete dialog.
            autoOpen: false, width: 400, resizable: false, modal: true, 
            buttons: {
                "Continue": function () {
                    $.post(deleteLinkObj[0].href, function (data) 
                        var rowId = "#myTableItem-id-" + data.id;

                "Cancel": function () {

The second link uses this script function for confirmation: 第二个链接使用此脚本功能进行确认:

    function ConfirmDone() {
        return confirm("Are you sure you want delete this item?");

Now both of these solutions work fine, however I prefer the coding of the second link, but I like the confirmation box that jquery-ui produces in the first link. 现在这两个解决方案都可以正常工作,但是我更喜欢第二个链接的编码,但是我喜欢jquery-ui在第一个链接中生成的确认框。 So I would like to blend them together. 所以我想将它们融合在一起。

What I think I need to do is when the Ajax.ActionLink calles the ConfirmDone() then I need to show a jquery dialog as I do with the first link. 我想我需要做的是,当Ajax.ActionLink调用ConfirmDone()我需要像第一个链接一样显示一个jquery对话框。 However I am unsure how to produce this and allow this dialog to return a true or false depending on the button that is pressed. 但是我不确定如何产生此结果,并允许此对话框根据所按下的按钮返回true或false。

Any help would be much appreciated. 任何帮助将非常感激。

Thanks very much. 非常感谢。

After a few hours of trying things out I have came up with a solution: 经过几个小时的尝试,我想出了一个解决方案:

My link changed to this: 我的链接更改为:

@Ajax.ActionLink("Delete", "Delete", "StruContractUser",
     new { id = item.UserID },
     new AjaxOptions {
         HttpMethod = "Delete",
         OnBegin = "JSONDeleteFile_OnBegin",
         OnComplete = "notify"
new { @class = "delete-link" })

Which calls this function with the OnBegin option: 使用OnBegin选项调用此函数:

<script type="text/javascript">
    function JSONDeleteFile_OnBegin(context) {
        return false; 

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