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在哪里可以找到 SQL Server 数据类型的大小

[英]Where to find the size of SQL Server data types

I am trying to calculate the size of my database.我正在尝试计算我的数据库的大小。 I will have a table with 3 columns (id, int, money) I will have 26 million rows with all columns being occupied.我将有一个包含 3 列(id、int、money)的表我将有 2600 万行,所有列都被占用。 How big will my database be?我的数据库有多大? Also, where can I find the size of all SQL Server data types?另外,在哪里可以找到所有 SQL Server 数据类型的大小?

Your can use below query :您可以使用以下查询:

SELECT * FROM sys.types

result of above query is below :上述查询的结果如下:

name                 system_type_id user_type_id schema_id principal_id max_length precision scale collation_name    is_nullable is_user_defined is_assembly_type default_object_id rule_object_id is_table_type
-------------------- -------------- ------------ --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ----- ----------------- ----------- --------------- ---------------- ----------------- -------------- -------------
image                34             34           4         NULL         16         0         0     NULL              1           0               0                0                 0              0
text                 35             35           4         NULL         16         0         0     Persian_100_CI_AI 1           0               0                0                 0              0
uniqueidentifier     36             36           4         NULL         16         0         0     NULL              1           0               0                0                 0              0
date                 40             40           4         NULL         3          10        0     NULL              1           0               0                0                 0              0
time                 41             41           4         NULL         5          16        7     NULL              1           0               0                0                 0              0
datetime2            42             42           4         NULL         8          27        7     NULL              1           0               0                0                 0              0
datetimeoffset       43             43           4         NULL         10         34        7     NULL              1           0               0                0                 0              0
tinyint              48             48           4         NULL         1          3         0     NULL              1           0               0                0                 0              0
smallint             52             52           4         NULL         2          5         0     NULL              1           0               0                0                 0              0
int                  56             56           4         NULL         4          10        0     NULL              1           0               0                0                 0              0
smalldatetime        58             58           4         NULL         4          16        0     NULL              1           0               0                0                 0              0
real                 59             59           4         NULL         4          24        0     NULL              1           0               0                0                 0              0
money                60             60           4         NULL         8          19        4     NULL              1           0               0                0                 0              0
datetime             61             61           4         NULL         8          23        3     NULL              1           0               0                0                 0              0
float                62             62           4         NULL         8          53        0     NULL              1           0               0                0                 0              0
sql_variant          98             98           4         NULL         8016       0         0     NULL              1           0               0                0                 0              0
ntext                99             99           4         NULL         16         0         0     Persian_100_CI_AI 1           0               0                0                 0              0
bit                  104            104          4         NULL         1          1         0     NULL              1           0               0                0                 0              0
decimal              106            106          4         NULL         17         38        38    NULL              1           0               0                0                 0              0
numeric              108            108          4         NULL         17         38        38    NULL              1           0               0                0                 0              0
smallmoney           122            122          4         NULL         4          10        4     NULL              1           0               0                0                 0              0
bigint               127            127          4         NULL         8          19        0     NULL              1           0               0                0                 0              0
hierarchyid          240            128          4         NULL         892        0         0     NULL              1           0               1                0                 0              0
geometry             240            129          4         NULL         -1         0         0     NULL              1           0               1                0                 0              0
geography            240            130          4         NULL         -1         0         0     NULL              1           0               1                0                 0              0
varbinary            165            165          4         NULL         8000       0         0     NULL              1           0               0                0                 0              0
varchar              167            167          4         NULL         8000       0         0     Persian_100_CI_AI 1           0               0                0                 0              0
binary               173            173          4         NULL         8000       0         0     NULL              1           0               0                0                 0              0
char                 175            175          4         NULL         8000       0         0     Persian_100_CI_AI 1           0               0                0                 0              0
timestamp            189            189          4         NULL         8          0         0     NULL              0           0               0                0                 0              0
nvarchar             231            231          4         NULL         8000       0         0     Persian_100_CI_AI 1           0               0                0                 0              0
nchar                239            239          4         NULL         8000       0         0     Persian_100_CI_AI 1           0               0                0                 0              0
xml                  241            241          4         NULL         -1         0         0     NULL              1           0               0                0                 0              0
sysname              231            256          4         NULL         256        0         0     Persian_100_CI_AI 0           0               0                0                 0              0
CalculatedCreditInfo 243            257          9         NULL         -1         0         0     NULL              0           1               0                0                 0              1
udt_QoutaDetail      243            258          21        NULL         -1         0         0     NULL              0           1               0                0                 0              1
BeforeUpdate         243            259          22        NULL         -1         0         0     NULL              0           1               0                0                 0              1
udt_StoreInventory   243            260          26        NULL         -1         0         0     NULL              0           1               0                0                 0              1
udt_WKFHistory       243            261          32        NULL         -1         0         0     NULL              0           1               0                0                 0              1
IDTable              243            262          1         NULL         -1         0         0     NULL    

you can use max_length for size of each data type.您可以将 max_length 用于每种数据类型的大小。

T-SQL has a function for that: DATALENGTH for all SQL Server versions. T-SQL 有一个功能:所有 SQL Server 版本的DATALENGTH


DECLARE @lat DECIMAL(10, 7) = 3.14151415141514151415;


Result: 3.1415142 and 5 (because DECIMAL(10,7) uses 5 bytes to be stored).结果: 3.14151425 (因为 DECIMAL(10,7) 使用 5 个字节来存储)。

Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/datalength-transact-sql?view=sql-server-ver15文档: https : //docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/datalength-transact-sql?view=sql-server-ver15

For example, I have a table called Applications with these columns: ( id VARCHAR(32), debug BIT, connectionString VARCHAR(2048), firebaseKey VARCHAR(4096) ).例如,我有一个名为Applications的表,其中包含以下列:( id VARCHAR(32), debug BIT, connectionString VARCHAR(2048), firebaseKey VARCHAR(4096) )。 As we know, VARCHAR doesn't allocate all the space (just what you need, so 'A' is 1 byte in VARCHAR).正如我们所知,VARCHAR 不会分配所有空间(正是您需要的空间,因此'A'在 VARCHAR 中是 1 个字节)。

These queries:这些查询:

  SUM(DATALENGTH(id)) AS idSize,
  SUM(DATALENGTH(debug)) AS debugSize,
  SUM(DATALENGTH(connectionString)) AS connectionStringSize,
  SUM(DATALENGTH(firebaseKey)) AS firebaseKeySize
FROM Applications;

    DATALENGTH(id) +
    DATALENGTH(debug) + 
    DATALENGTH(connectionString) +
  ) AS totalSize
FROM Applications;

will return my data size (in my case, with my rows, is 8, 2, 366, 4698 (total: 5074). There are 2 rows in that table.将返回我的数据大小(在我的情况下,我的行是 8、2、366、4698(总计:5074)。该表中有 2 行。

Notice that this does NOT represent the total size of my database (there are pages, descriptors, indexes, etc. involved.) *请注意,这并不代表我的数据库的总大小(涉及页面、描述符、索引等。) *

MSSQL has internal stored procedures to tell you the exactly size of your database in disk: MSSQL 具有内部存储过程,可以告诉您磁盘中数据库的确切大小:

  • EXEC sp_spaceused; for all database;对于所有数据库;
  • EXEC sp_spaceused N'schema.TableName'; for a specific table;对于特定的表;
  • EXEC sp_helpdb N'DatabaseName'; if you want details from each file.如果您想要每个文件的详细信息。

If the table specified in the where clause contains a nvarchar, this query will give you how many characters there are for that column correctly!如果 where 子句中指定的表包含 nvarchar,则此查询将为您提供该列正确的字符数!

This detects if the column is "wide" and essentially divides by 2. More broad than just nvarchar.这会检测列是否“宽”并且基本上除以 2。比 nvarchar 更宽。

SELECT c.name, (CASE WHEN LEFT(ts.name, 1) = 'n' AND ts.[precision] = 0 AND ts.[scale] = 0 THEN c.max_length / ts.[bytes] ELSE c.max_length END) AS [length]
FROM sys.columns AS c
    INNER JOIN sys.tables AS t
        ON t.object_id = c.object_ID
        SELECT *, (CASE WHEN [bits] = -1 THEN -1 ELSE ([bits] + 7) / 8 END) AS [bytes]
        FROM (
            SELECT *, (CASE WHEN max_length >= 256 THEN (CASE WHEN LEFT(name, 1) = 'n' AND [precision] = 0 AND [scale] = 0 THEN 16 ELSE 8 END) ELSE max_length END) AS [bits]
            FROM sys.types AS iits
        ) AS its
    ) AS ts
        ON ts.user_type_id = c.user_type_id
WHERE t.name LIKE 'tb_tablename' -- LIKE is case insensitive

Of course, you can just divide max_length on sys.columns by 2 if you know the column is an nvarchar.当然,如果您知道该列是 nvarchar,您可以将 sys.columns 上的 max_length 除以 2。 This is more for discovering table schema in a way that seems better for if new sql data types are introduced in the future.如果将来引入新的 sql 数据类型,这更多地是为了以一种更好的方式发现表模式。 And you so-choose to upgrade to it.你选择升级到它。 Pretty small edge case.非常小的边缘情况。

Please edit and correct this answer if you find an edge case where bytes and bits are incorrect.如果您发现字节和位不正确的边缘情况,请编辑并更正此答案。


-- ([bits] + 7) / 8 means round up
-- Proof:
--   o  (1 bit + 7 = 8) / 8 = 1 byte used
--   o  ((8 + 8 + 1 = 17 bytes) + 7 = 24) / 8 = 3 byes used
--   o  ((8 + 8 + 7 = 23 bytes) + 7 = 30) / 8 = 3.75 = integer division removes decimal = 3
SELECT *, (CASE WHEN [bits] = -1 THEN -1 ELSE ([bits] + 7) / 8 END) AS [bytes]
    SELECT *, (CASE WHEN max_length >= 256 THEN (CASE WHEN LEFT(name, 1) = 'n' AND [precision] = 0 AND [scale] = 0 THEN 16 ELSE 8 END) ELSE max_length END) AS [bits]
    FROM sys.types AS its
) AS ts

If someone knows that SQL Server stores the bit and byte sizes for each data type.如果有人知道 SQL Server 存储每种数据类型的位和字节大小。 Or a better way to get sys.columns size, please leave a comment!或者更好的获取 sys.columns 大小的方法,请发表评论!

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