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Bash Shell脚本使用mdfind搜索文件

[英]Bash Shell Script to search for files using mdfind

I have a folder of about 350 images (they are scanned recipes). 我有一个约350张图像的文件夹(它们是扫描食谱)。 To make finding them easier, I have written a search program in bash shell script. 为了更容易找到它们,我在bash shell脚本中编写了一个搜索程序。 I have bash version 3.2 on Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion. 我在Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion上有bash版本3.2。

The basic idea of my program: 我的计划的基本想法:

  1. Ask the user for search terms (using osascript). 询问用户搜索条件(使用osascript)。
  2. Search the file (names) for the search terms, using mdfind. 使用mdfind在文件(名称)中搜索搜索词。
  3. Send the matching files to ln (through xargs). 将匹配的文件发送到ln(通过xargs)。
  4. Make a hardlink of matching files in a "results" directory. 在“results”目录中创建匹配文件的硬链接。 This directory is contained within the same folder of images (this directory is cleaned at the beginning of the program). 此目录包含在图像的同一文件夹中(此目录在程序开头清除)。

What the directories look like: 目录是什么样的:

     -search (shell script)

Here's my code: 这是我的代码:

# Search program for recipes.
# version 2

# Clean out results folder
rm -rf ~/Google\ Drive/Recipes/.search/results/*

# Display the search dialog
query=$(osascript <<-EOF
        set front_app to (path to frontmost application as Unicode text)
        tell application front_app to get text returned of (display dialog "Search     for:" default answer "" with title "Recipe Search")

# If query is empty (nothing was typed), exit
if [ "$query" = "" ]

echo "Searching for \"$query\"."

# Search for query and (hard) link. The output from 'ln -v' is stored in results
# 'ln' complains if you search for the same thing twice... mdfind database lagging?
results=$(mdfind -0 -onlyin ~/Google\ Drive/Recipes/ "$query" | xargs -0 -J % ln -fv % ~/Google\ Drive/Recipes/.search/results)

if [ "$results" ]
    # Results were found, open the folder
    open ~/Google\ Drive/Recipes/.search/results/
    # No results found, display a dialog
    osascript <<-EOF
        set front_app to (path to frontmost application as Unicode text)
        tell application front_app to display dialog "No results found for \"" & "$query" & "\"." buttons "Close" default button 1 with icon 0

It works fine—the first time. 它工作正常 - 第一次。 If you search for the same thing twice, it breaks. 如果你两次搜索相同的东西,它就会中断。

Explanation: let's say I search for "chicken". 说明:假设我搜索“鸡”。 34 files match, and hard links are made in the results directory. 34个文件匹配,并在结果目录中创建硬链接。

Now, I run the program again, and search for the same thing—"chicken". 现在,我再次运行程序,并搜索相同的东西 - “鸡”。 The directory is emptied (by rm ). 该目录被清空(由rm )。 But now, the finding/linking stops working—only 6 or 7 recipes will be linked. 但现在,发现/链接停止工作只有6或7个食谱将被链接。 What seems to be happening is that mdfind is finding the results in the search directory, after they have been deleted , and then ln can't make links. 似乎正在发生的事情是mdfind删除它们之后在搜索目录中找到结果,然后ln无法建立链接。 But it doesn't find the main files... I get 但它找不到主要文件......我明白了

ln: ~/Google Drive/Recipes/.search/results/recipe.jpg: no such file or directory

I looked at mdfind used for creating symlinks not working as expected ; 我看了用于创建符号链接的mdfind没有按预期工作 ; they have a similar problem (but no help). 他们有类似的问题(但没有帮助)。

Thanks for any help... this has been annoying me for a long time. 感谢您帮助......这一直是讨厌我很长一段时间。

You can re-index directories or files with mdimport . 您可以使用mdimport重新索引目录或文件。

$ touch aa
$ mdfind -onlyin . -name aa
$ rm aa
$ mdimport .
$ mdfind -onlyin . -name aa

Spotlight doesn't index directories that start with a period, so you could just rename the .search directory. Spotlight不会为以句点开头的目录编制索引,因此您只需重命名.search目录即可。

The Spotlight commands use a cached index of the file contents. Spotlight命令使用文件内容的缓存索引。 I don't know of any way to force mdfind not to do so. 我不知道有什么方法可以强迫mdfind不这样做。 The brute force approach is to clear the cache with mdutil -E after removing the files, but you may not want to do that. 蛮力方法是在删除文件后使用mdutil -E清除缓存,但您可能不想这样做。

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