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[英]Stream video from Flash to HTML5

If I have a video being streamed into flash which is doing some work with it, is it then possible to stream it out of flash and play it in the HTML5 video tag? 如果我正在将视频流传输到正在处理的Flash中,那么是否可以将视频流从Flash流出并在HTML5视频代码中播放?

Thank you 谢谢

如果您只有swf文件,建议您看看Google swiffy

If the flash content is non-interactive, try Flabaco - www.Flash-Banner-Converter.com . 如果Flash内容是非交互式的,请尝试Flabaco-www.Flash-Banner-Converter.com Its an online, SWF to video converter. 它是一个在线的,SWF到视频的转换器。

Any work done in flash on the video should appear in the converted output. 视频中任何在Flash中完成的工作都应显示在转换后的输出中。 If the video is long it will get truncated due to resource limitations (since its a free service). 如果视频较长,则会由于资源限制(由于它是免费服务)而被截断。

Flabaco generates video in WebM, MP4 and OGG formats which can be embedded using the HTML5 tag. Flabaco生成WebM,MP4和OGG格式的视频,可以使用HTML5标签进行嵌入。 Quality, frame rate (fps) and color are preserved well. 质量,帧速率(fps)和颜色都保留得很好。 However sound will be lost. 但是声音会丢失。

Kayo. yo

Flabaco 弗拉巴科

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