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[英]Undefined method 'should' when using Capybara with Cucumber

I am trying to use both Capybara and Cucumber in my Rails application. 我试图在我的Rails应用程序中使用Capybara和Cucumber。 So, that's what i did: 所以,这就是我所做的:

  • Installed gems needed and added them to the Gemfile 需要安装的gem并将它们添加到Gemfile
  • Ran the rails generate capybara:install --cucumber rails generate capybara:install --cucumber
  • Created a feature and its steps definitions for cucumber 为黄瓜创建了一个功能及其步骤定义

Here's my feature (yeah, i am creating blog application): 这是我的功能(是的,我正在创建博客应用程序):

Feature: Browse posts
    So that I can browse through the posts
    As a visitor
    I want to see all and/or particular posts

    Scenario: Viewing all the posts
        Given Posts exist
        When I navigate to the website home
        Then I should see all the posts

    Scenario: Viewing particular post
        Given Post #1 exists
        When I navigate to /posts/view/1
        Then I should see the post with id=1

And here's its step definitions: 这是步骤定义:

Given /^Posts exist$/ do
    assert (not Post.all.empty?), "No posts found at all"

Given /^Post #(\d+) exists$) do |id|
    assert Post.find_by_id(id).valid?, "Post ##{ id } was not found at all"

When /^I navigate to (.+)$/ do |url|
    if url =~ /^the website home$/ then
        visit '/'
        visit url

Then /^I should see all(.+)posts$/ do |delimiter|
    posts = Post.all

    posts.each do |post|
        page.should have_content post.title

Then /^I should see the post with id([^\d]{1,})(\d+)$/ do |delimiter, id|
    post = Post.find_by_id id

    page.should have_content post.title

And when running rake cucumber i get this message: 当运行rake cucumber我收到以下消息:

Then I should see all the posts     # features/step_definitions/browsing_posts.rb:13
  undefined method `should' for #<Capybara::Session> (NoMethodError)
  ./features/step_definitions/browsing_posts.rb:17:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
  ./features/step_definitions/browsing_posts.rb:16:in `each'
  ./features/step_definitions/browsing_posts.rb:16:in `/^I should see all(.+)posts$/'
  features/browsing_posts.feature:9:in `Then I should see all the posts'

What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么? And yeah, are there any mistakes in my feature? 是的,我的功能有任何错误吗?

Replace page.should have_content post.title with assert page.has_content?(post.title) . page.should have_content post.title替换为assert page.has_content?(post.title) If that works, apply that similarly to the other have_content statements 如果have_content ,则将其应用于其他have_content语句

Edit: Those statements involving should are based on rspec expectations , and should be used only if you are already using rspec or some other testing framework that responds_to should . 编辑: 涉及should语句基于rspec期望 ,并且只有在您已经使用rspec或者其他响应should测试框架时才应该使用。 Coming from the test::unit angle, this is probably just another kind of assert . 从test :: unit角度来看,这可能只是另一种assert

can you try 你能试一下吗


instead of 代替

page.should have_content post.title page.should has_content post.title

if it works, then you can use this with assert. 如果它工作,那么你可以使用断言。

after facing the same issue I tried 面对同样的问题我试过

expect(page).to have_content('foo')

which worked fine for me 这对我来说很好

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