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Boost Asio收到未知号码?

[英]Boost Asio receive unknown Number?

I wrote a Http/Rest Client. 我写了一个Http / Rest客户端。

The Main Problem is that i recieve some unkown digits within the requested data. 主要问题是我在请求的数据中收到了一些未知数字。 I really don´t know where they come from.. 我真的不知道它们来自哪里。


You see the e0b and the 0 at the end. 您会看到e0b和结尾处的0 In big xml files for example i got something like this: 例如在大的xml文件中,我得到的是这样的:

<sometag id="somei

It is irreproducible by me. 这是我无法复制的。

My Code: 我的代码:

  // read the response status code
  boost::asio::streambuf httpStreamBufferResponse;
  boost::asio::read_until(httpSocket, httpStreamBufferResponse, "\r\n");

  // check status code and validate
  istream httpResponseIStream(&httpStreamBufferResponse);

  // temp var for version
  string sHttpVersion;
  httpResponseIStream >> sHttpVersion;

  // temp var for status code
  unsigned int uiStatusCode;
  httpResponseIStream >> uiStatusCode;

  // fetch status message and switch it
  string sStatusMessage;
  getline(httpResponseIStream, sStatusMessage);
  if(!httpResponseIStream || sHttpVersion.substr(0, 5) != "HTTP/"){
    new Note(eNotesType(ERROR), "Request Interrupt", "Invalid Request Response");
    Log::write("ERROR: Request Interrupt: Invalid Request Response");
  // != 200 even means that something is not OK
  if(uiStatusCode != 200){
    this -> sHttpStatusCode = uiStatusCode;
    new Note(eNotesType(WARNING), "Request Response " 
      + boost::lexical_cast<string>(uiStatusCode), httpErrorToString.at(uiStatusCode));
    Log::write("WARNING: Request Response " 
      + boost::lexical_cast<string>(uiStatusCode) + ": " + httpErrorToString.at(uiStatusCode));

  // Read the response headers, which are terminated by a blank line.
  boost::asio::read_until(httpSocket, httpStreamBufferResponse, "\r\n\r\n");

  // Process the response header
  stringstream responseSStream;
  string responseSHeader;
  while (getline( httpResponseIStream, responseSHeader ) && responseSHeader != "\r" ) {
    responseSStream << responseSHeader;
  // store header in member variable
  this -> sHttpResponseHeader = sHttpVersion + " " + boost::lexical_cast<string>(uiStatusCode) + " " 
    + httpErrorToString.at(uiStatusCode) + "\n" + responseSStream.str();

  // read until EOF and writing data to output as we go.
  ostringstream responseOSStream;
  while(boost::asio::read(httpSocket, httpStreamBufferResponse, boost::asio::transfer_at_least(1), error)){
    responseOSStream << &httpStreamBufferResponse;

  // store content in member variable
  this -> sHttpResponseContent = responseOSStream.str();

  // if there is no EOF
  if(error != boost::asio::error::eof){ 
    new Note(eNotesType(ERROR), "Request Interrupt", "Invalid Response End");
    Log::write("ERROR: Request Interrupt: Invalid  Response End");    

// catch not known exceptions properly
} catch (exception& e){
  string exceptionMessage = e.what();
  new Note(eNotesType(ERROR), "Exception", exceptionMessage);
  Log::write("ERROR: Exception: " + exceptionMessage);    

// log http standby
Log::write("http status: standby");

It would be a great pleasure if anybody got ANY idea where this come from..?! 这将是一个非常高兴,如果有人有任何想法,这来自..?!

My nerves are on edge.. 我紧张不安。

Your code is claiming HTTP/1.1 compliance and doesn't actually comply with HTTP/1.1's requirements. 您的代码声称符合HTTP / 1.1,实际上不符合HTTP / 1.1的要求。 Either don't claim HTTP/1.1 compliance or make sure your code does everything the standard says a client must do. 不要声称符合HTTP / 1.1,或者不要确保您的代码可以执行标准要求客户端执行的所有操作。

All HTTP/1.1 applications MUST be able to receive and decode the "chunked" transfer-coding, and MUST ignore chunk-extension extensions they do not understand. 所有HTTP / 1.1应用程序必须能够接收和解码“分块”传输编码,并且必须忽略它们不理解的块扩展名。 -- HTTP/1.1 specification, section 3.6.1 -HTTP / 1.1规范,第3.6.1节

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