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[英]boolean expression parser in java

Are there any java libraries or techniques to parsing boolean expressions piecemeal?是否有任何 java 库或技术来解析布尔表达式?

What I mean is given an expression like this:我的意思是给出这样的表达式:

T && ( F || ( F && T ) )

It could be broken down into a expression tree to show which token caused the 'F' value, like so ( maybe something like this):它可以分解为一个表达式树,以显示哪个标记导致了 'F' 值,如下所示(可能是这样的):

T &&               <- rhs false
    ( F ||         <- rhs false
        ( F && T ) <- eval, false

I am trying to communicate boolean expression evaluations to non-programmers.我正在尝试将布尔表达式评估传达给非程序员。 I have poked around with Anlr, but I couldn't get it to do much (it seems to have a bit of a learning curve).我在 Anlr 上闲逛,但我无法让它做太多事情(它似乎有一点学习曲线)。

I'm not opposed to writing it myself, but I'd rather not reinvent the wheel.我不反对自己写它,但我宁愿不重新发明轮子。

I've coded this using Javaluator . 我用Javaluator编写了这个代码
It's not exactly the output you are looking for, but I think it could be a start point. 它并不完全是您正在寻找的输出,但我认为它可能是一个起点。

package test;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import net.astesana.javaluator.*;

public class TreeBooleanEvaluator extends AbstractEvaluator<String> {
  /** The logical AND operator.*/
  final static Operator AND = new Operator("&&", 2, Operator.Associativity.LEFT, 2);
  /** The logical OR operator.*/
  final static Operator OR = new Operator("||", 2, Operator.Associativity.LEFT, 1);

  private static final Parameters PARAMETERS;

  static {
    // Create the evaluator's parameters
    PARAMETERS = new Parameters();
    // Add the supported operators
    // Add the parentheses

  public TreeBooleanEvaluator() {

  protected String toValue(String literal, Object evaluationContext) {
    return literal;

  private boolean getValue(String literal) {
    if ("T".equals(literal) || literal.endsWith("=true")) return true;
    else if ("F".equals(literal) || literal.endsWith("=false")) return false;
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown literal : "+literal);

  protected String evaluate(Operator operator, Iterator<String> operands,
      Object evaluationContext) {
    List<String> tree = (List<String>) evaluationContext;
    String o1 = operands.next();
    String o2 = operands.next();
    Boolean result;
    if (operator == OR) {
      result = getValue(o1) || getValue(o2);
    } else if (operator == AND) {
      result = getValue(o1) && getValue(o2);
    } else {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    String eval = "("+o1+" "+operator.getSymbol()+" "+o2+")="+result;
    return eval;

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    TreeBooleanEvaluator evaluator = new TreeBooleanEvaluator();
    doIt(evaluator, "T && ( F || ( F && T ) )");
    doIt(evaluator, "(T && T) || ( F && T )");

  private static void doIt(TreeBooleanEvaluator evaluator, String expression) {
    List<String> sequence = new ArrayList<String>();
    evaluator.evaluate(expression, sequence);
    System.out.println ("Evaluation sequence for :"+expression);
    for (String string : sequence) {
      System.out.println (string);
    System.out.println ();

Here is the ouput: 这是输出:

Evaluation sequence for :T && ( F || ( F && T ) ) 评估顺序为:T &&(F ||(F && T))
(F && T)=false (F && T)=假
(F || (F && T)=false)=false (F ||(F && T)= false)= false
(T && (F || (F && T)=false)=false)=false (T &&(F ||(F && T)= false)= false)= false

Evaluation sequence for :(T && T) || 评估顺序为:(T && T)|| ( F && T ) (F && T)
(T && T)=true (T && T)=真
(F && T)=false (F && T)=假
((T && T)=true || (F && T)=false)=true ((T && T)= true ||(F && T)= false)=真

You could do this with MVEL or JUEL . 你可以用MVELJUEL做到这一点 Both are expression language libraries, examples below are using MVEL. 两者都是表达式语言库,下面的示例使用MVEL。

Example: 例:

System.out.println(MVEL.eval("true && ( false || ( false && true ) )"));

Prints: false 打印:错误

If you literally want to use 'T' and 'F' you can do this: 如果您真的想要使用'T'和'F',您可以这样做:

Map<String, Object> context = new java.util.HashMap<String, Object>();
context.put("T", true);
context.put("F", false);
System.out.println(MVEL.eval("T && ( F || ( F && T ) )", context));

Prints: false 打印:错误

I recently put together a library in Java specifically to manipulate boolean expressions: jbool_expressions . 我最近专门用Java 编写了一个库来操作布尔表达式: jbool_expressions

It includes a tool too parse expressions out of string input: 它包含一个工具,也解析了字符串输入中的表达式:

Expression<String> expr = ExprParser.parse("( ( (! C) | C) & A & B)")

You can also do some fairly simple simplification: 您还可以进行一些相当简单的简化:

Expression<String> simplified = RuleSet.simplify(expr);


(A & B)

If you wanted to step through the assignment then, you could assign values one by one. 如果您想逐步完成任务,可以逐个分配值。 For the example here, 对于这里的例子,

Expression<String> halfAssigned = RuleSet.assign(simplified, Collections.singletonMap("A", true));

shows 节目


and you could resolve it by assigning B. 你可以通过分配B.来解决它。

Expression<String> resolved = RuleSet.assign(halfAssigned, Collections.singletonMap("B", true));

shows 节目


Not 100% what you were asking for, but hope it helps. 不是100%你所要求的,但希望它有所帮助。

Check out BeanShell . 查看BeanShell It has expression parsing that accepts Java-like syntax. 它具有接受类似Java语法的表达式解析。

EDIT: Unless you're trying to actually parse T && F literally, though you could do this in BeanShell using the literals true and false . 编辑:除非你试图实际解析T && F字面意思,尽管你可以使用文字truefalse在BeanShell中执行此操作。

mXparser handles Boolean operators - please find few examples mXparser处理布尔运算符 - 请找几个例子

Example 1: 例1:

import org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser.*;
Expression e = new Expression("1 && (0 || (0 && 1))");
System.out.println(e.getExpressionString() + " = " + e.calculate());

Result 1: 结果1:

1 && (0 || (0 && 1)) = 0.0

Example 2: 例2:

import org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser.*;
Constant T = new Constant("T = 1");
Constant F = new Constant("F = 0");
Expression e = new Expression("T && (F || (F && T))", T, F);
System.out.println(e.getExpressionString() + " = " + e.calculate());

Result 2: 结果2:

T && (F || (F && T)) = 0.0

For more details please follow mXparser tutorial . 有关更多详细信息,请参阅mXparser教程

Best regards 最好的祝福

Try this.尝试这个。

static boolean parseBooleanExpression(String s) {
    return new Object() {

        int length = s.length(), index = 0;

        boolean match(String expect) {
            while (index < length && Character.isWhitespace(s.charAt(index)))
            if (index >= length)
                return false;
            if (s.startsWith(expect, index)) {
                index += expect.length();
                return true;
            return false;

        boolean element() {
            if (match("T"))
                return true;
            else if (match("F"))
                return false;
            else if (match("(")) {
                boolean result = expression();
                if (!match(")"))
                    throw new RuntimeException("')' expected");
                return result;
            } else
                throw new RuntimeException("unknown token");

        boolean term() {
            if (match("!"))
                return !element();
                return element();

        boolean factor() {
            boolean result = term();
            while (match("&&"))
                result &= term();
            return result;

        boolean expression() {
            boolean result = factor();
            while (match("||"))
                result |= factor();
            return result;

        boolean parse() {
            boolean result = expression();
            if (index < length)
                throw new RuntimeException(
                    "extra string '" + s.substring(index) + "'");
            return result;


public static void main(String[] args) {
    String s = "T && ( F || ( F && T ) )";
    boolean result = parseBooleanExpression(s);



The syntax is语法是

 expression = factor { "||" factor }
 factor     = term { "&&" term }
 term       = [ "!" ] element
 element    = "T" | "F" | "(" expression ")"

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