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[英]Checking image mime type in php unexpected error

Im trying to determine the mime type of an image: 我试图确定图像的MIME类型:

$image = $_FILES['image'];  //code shortened
function determineImage($imageResource){

    $errors = array();

    $types = array('gif' => IMAGETYPE_GIF,
                   'jpeg' => IMAGETYPE_JPEG,
                   'png' => IMAGETYPE_PNG,
                   'bmp' => IMAGETYPE_BMP);

    if ( !in_array(exif_imagetype($imageResource['tmp_name']), $types )) {
        $errors[] =  'Cannot determine mime type';

    if ($imageResource['type'] !== 'image/gif'   ||
        $imageResource['type'] !== 'image/jpeg'  || 
        $imageResource['type'] !== 'image/pjpeg' ||
        $imageResource['type'] !== 'image/png'){
            $errors[] = 'Again cannot determine type';

    return $errors;


I use 我用


this keep returning array(1) { [0]=> string(27) "Again cannot determine type" } 这会不断返回array(1){[0] => string(27)“再次无法确定类型”}

However this: 但是,这:

echo $image['type'];

just returns: 只是返回:


I've also got error_reporting(E_ALL) turned on. 我还打开了error_reporting(E_ALL)。 Can anyone make out what the problem is, have I made a silly mistake? 任何人都可以找出问题所在,我犯了一个愚蠢的错误吗?

the code is a total random (the check doesn't make sense at all) 该代码是完全随机的(检查根本没有意义)

by the way 顺便说说

if ($imageResource['type'] !== 'image/gif'   AND
    $imageResource['type'] !== 'image/jpeg'  AND
    $imageResource['type'] !== 'image/pjpeg' AND
    $imageResource['type'] !== 'image/jpg'  ...

AND not OR 与非或

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