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如何重载模板类的“ new”运算符?

[英]How can I overload the “new” operator for template classes?

I tried to overload the new operator in the template class below to use malloc instead of new , but I wasn't successful. 我试图在下面的模板类中重载new运算符,以使用malloc而不是new ,但是我没有成功。

template< int SIZE >

class MemPoolT : public MemPool

        MemPoolT() : root(0), currentAllocs(0), nAllocs(0), maxAllocs(0) {}

            for( int i=0; i<blockPtrs.Size(); ++i ) {
                delete blockPtrs[i];

        virtual void* Alloc() 
            if ( !root ) {

                // Need a new block.

                Block* block = new Block();
                blockPtrs.Push( block );

                for( int i=0; i<COUNT-1; ++i ) {
                    block->chunk[i].next = &block->chunk[i+1];
                block->chunk[COUNT-1].next = 0;
                root = block->chunk;
            void* result = root;
            root = root->next;

            if ( currentAllocs > maxAllocs ) maxAllocs = currentAllocs;
            return result;
        enum { COUNT = 1024/SIZE };
        union Chunk {
            Chunk* next;
            char mem[SIZE];
        struct Block {
            Chunk chunk[COUNT];
        Chunk* root;
        int currentAllocs;
        int nAllocs;
        int maxAllocs;

How can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

Is this what you're asking for? 这是您要的吗?

#define malloc new

MemPoolT<N> m = malloc MemPoolT<N>();

Because you should not do that. 因为你不应该那样做。

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