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[英]Pdf Merge Issue in ItextSharp (After Merging Pdfs don't retain their Values)

We are trying to merge three PDFs using ITextSharp. 我们正在尝试使用ITextSharp合并三个PDF。 The problem is after merging we are able to get Data from the first PDF only, while the other two PDFs don't retain their values. 问题是合并后,我们只能从第一个PDF获取数据,而其他两个PDF不会保留其值。

All these PDFs have the same structure (ie they use the same templates with different data), so my assumption is they are having same fields (AcroFields) which may be creating this problem while merging. 所有这些PDF具有相同的结构(即,它们使用具有不同数据的相同模板),因此我假设它们具有相同的字段(AcroFields),这可能在合并时造成此问题。

Here is the merge code : 这是合并代码:

public void MergeFiles(string destinationFile, string[] sourceFiles)
            int f = 0;
            string outFile = destinationFile;
            Document document = null;
            PdfCopy writer = null;
            while (f < sourceFiles.Length)
                // Create a reader for a certain document
                PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(sourceFiles[f]);
                // Retrieve the total number of pages
                int n = reader.NumberOfPages;
                //Trace.WriteLine("There are " + n + " pages in " + sourceFiles[f]);
                if (f == 0)
                    // Step 1: Creation of a document-object
                    document = new Document(reader.GetPageSizeWithRotation(1));
                    // Step 2: Create a writer that listens to the document
                    writer = new PdfCopy(document, new FileStream(outFile, FileMode.Create));
                    // Step 3: Open the document
                // Step 4: Add content
                PdfImportedPage page;
                for (int i = 0; i < n; )
                    if (writer != null)
                        page = writer.GetImportedPage(reader, i);

                PRAcroForm form = reader.AcroForm;
                if (form != null)
                    if (writer != null)

            // Step 5: Close the document
            if (document != null)
        catch (Exception)
            //handle exception

This is called as follows : 这称为:

    string[] sourcenames = { @"D:\1.pdf", @"D:\2.pdf", @"D:\3.pdf" };
    string destinationname = @"D:\pdf\mergeall\merge3.pdf";
    MergeFiles(destinationname, sourcenames);

I figured it out myself after little searching...Following is the solution... 我经过一番搜索才弄清楚了...以下是解决方案...

I have created the function to rename the Fields in the PDF,so that after merging the fields will be renamed. 我创建了重命名PDF中的字段的功能,以便合并后的字段将被重命名。

private static int counter = 0;
private void renameFields(PdfReader pdfReader)
                string prepend = String.Format("_{0}", counter++);
                foreach (DictionaryEntry de in pdfReader.AcroFields.Fields)
                    pdfReader.AcroFields.RenameField(de.Key.ToString(), prepend + de.Key.ToString());
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

This function is called in "MergeFiles" function as follow... 该函数在“ MergeFiles”函数中调用,如下所示...

          // Create a reader for a certain document
             PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(sourceFiles[f]);
          // Retrieve the total number of pages
             int n = reader.NumberOfPages;

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