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如何在android中为java和本地c / c ++代码构建APK

[英]How to build APK in android for java and native c/c++ code

This is my first experience to build an APK for native code in android.when I build APK as we do in android for java code it consists of only Java code ,functionality that implemented in c/c++ not reflected in build when I install apk on device. 这是我在android中为本机代码构建APK的第一次经历。当我在android中为java代码构建APK时,它只包含Java代码,在c / c ++中实现的功能在我安装apk时没有反映在构建中设备。

Please guide me on the same !!! 请指导我一样!!!

You can use Android-NDK 您可以使用Android-NDK

Android NDK Android NDK

The NDK is a toolset that allows you to implement parts of your app using native-code languages such as C and C++ . NDK是一个工具集,允许您使用本机代码语言(如CC++实现应用程序的各个部分。 For certain types of apps, this can be helpful so that you may reuse existing code libraries written in these languages and possibly increased performance. 对于某些类型的应用程序,这可能会有所帮助,以便您可以重用使用这些语言编写的现有代码库,并可能提高性能。

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