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[英]Kerberos Delegation Failed for Users from a trusted domain

I have successfully setup the Kerberos Delegation between a ASP.Net web site and a SQL Server. 我已经成功在ASP.Net网站和SQL Server之间设置了Kerberos委派。 All the users in the same domain of the IIS application pool account and SQL Server service account can be delegated from the web site to SQL server. 可以将IIS应用程序池帐户和SQL Server服务帐户的同一域中的所有用户从网站委派给SQL Server。 Now we have users from a two-way trusted domain try to use the web site, and the following error occurred at the SQL Server side: "Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\\ANONYMOUS LOGON'. It means the delegation has failed. 现在,我们有一个来自双向信任域的用户尝试使用该网站,并且在SQL Server端发生了以下错误:“用户'NT AUTHORITY \\ ANONYMOUS LOGON'的登录失败。这意味着委派失败。

The web site is IIS 6 on Windows 2003. 该网站是Windows 2003上的IIS 6。

I checked the user from the trusted domain, and the "userAccountControl" is 512 so delegation is not blocked. 我从受信任的域中检查了用户,并且“ userAccountControl”为512,因此不会阻止委派。 In the user IE browser settings, I can the "Local Intranet" has been configured right. 在用户IE浏览器设置中,我可以对“本地Intranet”进行正确配置。

Can someone tell me how I can troubleshoot this issue? 有人可以告诉我如何解决此问题吗?

Thanks! 谢谢!

Richard 理查德

Maybe this helps you: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/sharepoint2010setup/thread/c43260a9-6791-4572-a7f2-1547467d89bb/ 也许这对您有帮助: http : //social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/zh-CN/sharepoint2010setup/thread/c43260a9-6791-4572-a7f2-1547467d89bb/

Here's the quote (written by SenthilSK) 这是报价(由SenthilSK撰写)

The Kerberos protocol supports two kinds of delegation, basic (unconstrained) and constrained. Kerberos协议支持两种委托,基本委托(不受约束)和约束委托。 Basic Kerberos delegation can cross domain boundaries in a single forest, but cannot cross a forest boundary regardless of trust relationship. 基本Kerberos委派可以跨越单个林中的域边界,但是无论信任关系如何都不能跨越林边界。 Kerberos constrained delegation cannot cross domain or forest boundaries in any scenario. Kerberos约束委派在任何情况下都不能跨越域或林边界。 For more details about KCD configuration for your scenario , i could suggest to refer the white paper on Kerberos http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=23176 有关针对您的方案的KCD配置的更多详细信息,我建议您参考Kerberos上的白皮书http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=23176

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