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[英]mootools form json post request

i want to to a request.JSON on a dynamic form. 我想在动态表单上使用request.JSON

is it possible to POST the complete form via a form id ? 是否可以通过表单ID发布完整的表单?

<form id="form">
          <td><input type="text" id="username"></td>
          <td><input type="password" id="password"/></td>
          <td><input type="submit" id="go" value="go"/></td>

and on the script side: 在脚本方面:

$('go').addEvent('click',function( event )
   var myForm = document.id('form');

  var request= new Request.JSON (
    url: 'check_login.php',
    method: 'post',
     form: myForm
    onSuccess: function( response ) 
      if ( response.status )
        document.location = "home.php"   
        $('response').set('html', response.message);


and in the php script i want to check via the $_POST variable. 在PHP脚本中,我想通过$ _POST变量进行检查。 but i cannot find a method to do it like this. 但是我找不到这样的方法。 actually im gettinh nothing. 实际上我什么也没得到。

greetz 格里茨

Sure, look at this link where it shows how to do it: 当然,请查看此链接,其中显示了如何执行此操作:

http://demos111.mootools.net/Ajax.Form http://demos111.mootools.net/Ajax.Form

It basically selects the form via your ID, add a listener to submit event and when it comes it sends all the form the way you are looking for :-) 它基本上是通过您的ID选择表单,添加一个侦听器来提交事件,并在它到达时将所有表单发送给您寻找的方式:-)

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