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[英]How to disable scrolling of webview containing facebook like button

I tried to implement facebook like button in my android application. 我试图在我的android应用程序中实现facebook之类的按钮。 I am using a webview with limited width and height to show like button and disable its scrolling. 我正在使用宽度和高度受限制的Web视图来显示类似按钮并禁用其滚动。 I want to show like button only. 我只想显示类似按钮。

Here is my WebView in xml 这是我的XML WebView

        android:scrollbars="none" />

and my like button is 我的喜欢按钮是

private String getFacebookLikeUrl() {
        return "http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?"
                + "href="
                + URLEncoder
                + "&layout=standard" + "&show_faces=false" + "&width=50"
                + "&action=like" + "&colorscheme=light" + "&font=arial"
                + "&access_token=" + URLEncoder.encode(accessToken);

Disable webview's scrolling by using following code 使用以下代码禁用Webview的滚动


        webView.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() {
            public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {

                return (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE);

Now my problem is when clicking more than once on like button it scrolls to left and hides some part of like button . 现在我的问题是,当多次单击“喜欢”按钮时, 它会滚动到左侧并隐藏“喜欢”按钮的某些部分 How can I solve this problem? 我怎么解决这个问题?

Sounds like you might be zooming in when tapping more than once in the WebView. 在WebView中多次点击时,听起来好像正在放大。 Try setting WebSettings.setSupportZoom to false and see if that fixes your problem. 尝试将WebSettings.setSupportZoom设置为false,看看是否可以解决您的问题。 Documentation here . 文档在这里

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