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[英]Tridion Component Link Not Resolving

I am using SDL Tridion 2011. I have created a Component of field type 'text', and linked an already published component to a text in it. 我正在使用SDL Tridion2011。我创建了一个字段类型为'text'的组件,并将一个已经发布的组件链接到其中的文本。

After this i have inserted the component to a page and published that (i used Link Resolver TBB). 之后,我将组件插入页面并发布了该页面(我使用了Link Resolver TBB)。 when i viewed that page in browser,link was not appearing and when i checked code , following was wriiten in place of link 当我在浏览器中查看该页面时,链接未出现,并且当我检查代码时,以下链接被替换为wriiten

<tridion:ComponentLink runat="server" PageURI="tcm:150-12575-64" 
    ComponentURI="tcm:150-12344" TemplateURI="tcm:0-0-0" AddAnchor="false"
    LinkText="component" LinkAttributes=" title=&#34;Video link&#34; 
    target=&#34;_blank&#34; " TextOnFail="true"/>

Template type is Compound Template and Code :- 模板类型为复合模板和代码:-

<CompoundTemplate xmlns="http://www.tridion.com/ContentManager/5.3/CompoundTemplate">
    <Template xlink:href="tcm:150-12576-2048" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:title="Test" />
      <Parameters xmlns="uuid:b81e2790-ded1-4fb2-b09a-4a2975c2938e" />
    <Template xlink:href="tcm:150-12176-2048" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:title="Default Finish Actions" />
      <Parameters xmlns="uuid:a13c5753-adfc-4e93-912f-ee3d93b6a828" />

The Link Resolver TBB will resolve a Component link to either a ASP.NET or JSP tag depending on the configuration of your Deployer and/or Publication Target. 链接解析器TBB将根据Deployer和/或发布目标的配置将组件链接解析为ASP.NET或JSP标记。 Looking at your tag it is resolved to a ASP.NET tag (judging from the runat="server" attribute). 查看您的标记,它将解析为ASP.NET标记(从runat="server"属性判断)。

Now to make it work you must ensure you configure the API server role for your ASP.NET web application and of course your pages need to have the right file extension (.aspx usually) to ensure the tags in them are executed. 现在要使其正常工作,必须确保为ASP.NET Web应用程序配置了API服务器角色,当然,页面需要具有正确的文件扩展名(通常为.aspx),以确保其中的标签得以执行。

Simply put what you need to do is register the tag prefix for the SDL Tridion Dynamic Link tag. 简单地说,您需要做的就是为SDL Tridion动态链接标签注册标签前缀。 You do this in your wep applications web.config file, as follows: 您可以在wep应用程序的web.config文件中执行此操作,如下所示:

                <add tagPrefix="tridion" 
                     assembly="Tridion.ContentDelivery" />

More about this topic can be found in our online documentation: Configuring the API server role for a .NET Web application (logon required, see here for details) 有关此主题的更多信息,请参见我们的在线文档: 为.NET Web应用程序配置API服务器角色 (需要登录,有关详细信息,请参见此处

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