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[英]C# Dynamically Get Variable Names and Values in a Class

I am currently making a program (C# .Net 4) that has multiple options, which are saved to a file. 我目前正在制作一个程序(C#.Net 4),该程序具有多个选项,这些选项已保存到文件中。

These options are their own variables in-code, and I was wondering if there was a way to get the variables and values of these options dynamically in code. 这些选项是它们自己的代码变量,我想知道是否有办法在代码中动态获取这些选项的变量和值。

In my case, I have these options in a "Settings" class, and I access them from my main form class using Settings.varSetting. 就我而言,我在“设置”类中具有这些选项,并且可以使用Settings.varSetting从主窗体类访问它们。

I get and set these variables in multiple places in code; 我在代码中的多个位置获取并设置了这些变量; is it possible to consolidate the list of variables so that I can access and set them (for example, creating a Settings form which pulls the available options and their values and draws the form dynamically) more easily/consistently? 是否可以合并变量列表,以便我可以更轻松/始终如一地访问和设置变量(例如,创建“设置”表单以提取可用选项及其值并动态绘制该表单)?

Here are the current variables I have in the Settings class: 这是我在Settings类中拥有的当前变量:

    public static Uri uriHomePage = new Uri("http://www.google.com");
    public static int intInitOpacity = 100;
    public static string strWindowTitle = "OpaciBrowser";
    public static bool boolSaveHistory = false;
    public static bool boolAutoRemoveTask = true; //Automatically remove window from task bar if under:
    public static int intRemoveTaskLevel = 50; //percent
    public static bool boolHideOnMinimized = true;

Thanks for any help, 谢谢你的帮助,

Karl Tatom ( TheMusiKid ) 卡尔·托莫(TheMusiKid)

您可能需要考虑使用框架中内置的“ 应用程序设置”功能来加载和存储应用程序设置。

var dict = typeof(Settings)
    .GetFields(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public)
    .ToDictionary(f=>f.Name, f=>f.GetValue(null));

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