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[英]PHP array merge: is not an array?

I'm tryin to merge an array that I have when it is being created through a function 我正在尝试合并通过函数创建时所拥有的数组

I have a function, and it returns an array. 我有一个函数,它返回一个数组。

class myarray
 public function getAr($id)
      // mysql query
      while($dd= $database->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
               $data[] = $dd; //there's values in the array when its being populated through the function of the while loop
               return $data;
 public function get3($id)
      // mysl query
      while($dd= $database->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
               $data[] = $dd; //there's values in the array when its being populated through the function of the while loop
               return $data;

How come I tried to merge together the array: 我如何尝试将数组合并在一起:

$get = new myarray();

while($row = $fet->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
    $arrayAr = $get->getAr($id);
    $array3 = $get->get3($id);
    $new_array = array_merge($arrayAr ,$array3); //this gives me the error
    print_r($arrayAr); //displays array
    print_r($arrayAr); //displays nothing, why is that?

It says that its not an array? 它说不是数组吗?

array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array 

But I can print_r($arrayAr); 但是我可以print_r($arrayAr); and its like an array inside the while loop, but it doesn't display anything outside of it? 它就像while循环中的数组,但是它不在外面显示任何内容?

when I tried this... 当我尝试这个...

$new_array = array_merge((array)$arrayAr ,(array)$array3);

It doesn't display an error, but it isn't merged either. 它不会显示错误,但是也不会合并。

Help? 救命?

Thanks 谢谢

You $arrayAr is local variable and 2nd print_r() is used beyond of scope of his variable. $arrayAr是局部变量,第二个print_r()的使用超出了他的变量范围。 If you need it available wider, "declare" it before foreach , with ie $arrayAr = array(); 如果需要更广泛的使用,请在foreach之前“声明”,即$arrayAr = array(); (or whatever value you want - it is not important in this case, yet array() makes code clear). (或您想要的任何值-在这种情况下并不重要,但array()使代码清晰可见)。

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