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[英]How to assign Pages to User Roles in Membership and Roles by Custom Asp.net Page

I am creating a web application and i have already created page for creating Roles. 我正在创建一个Web应用程序,并且已经创建了用于创建角色的页面。 but i want that admin should decide in which roles which are the pages or modules that role is authenticated to. 但我希望该管理员应确定要对哪个角色进行身份验证的页面或模块。 I am using built in Membership and Roles. 我正在使用内置的成员资格和角色。

For Menus i am using Sitemap for security Trimming it is working fine. 对于菜单,我正在使用Sitemap进行安全修整,效果很好。 i just want to make that thing customizable. 我只想使该东西可定制。

I have the option to hard code in web.config but i want to make it customizable. 我可以选择在web.config中进行硬编码,但我想使其可自定义。

<location path="Upload.aspx">
      <allow roles="Uploader"/>
      <deny users="*" />

Is there any way that we can make this customizable ? 有什么方法可以使此自定义?

Checkout the open source Web based Web Site Administration tool from UDRI: http://udriwsat.codeplex.com/ 从UDRI中检出基于Web的开放源代码Web站点管理工具: http ://udriwsat.codeplex.com/

I believe they've got rules like that already built in. 我相信他们已经建立了类似的规则。

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