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[英]Node.js: Determine file size on modification

I'm watching a file in Node.js and would like to obtain the size of the file each time it changes. 我正在观看Node.js中的文件,并希望每次更改时获取文件的大小。 How can this be done with fs.watchFile ? 如何用fs.watchFile完成这项工作?

This is what I'm currently doing: 这就是我目前正在做的事情:

fs.watchFile(file, function(curr, prev) {
  // determine file size
var fs = require('fs');

fs.watchFile('some.file', function () {
    fs.stat('some.file', function (err, stats) {

I missed that the variables curr and prev that were returned from fs.watchFile were instances of fs.Stats . 我错过了从fs.watchFile返回的变量currprevfs.Stats实例。 This would be the optimal solution: 这将是最佳解决方案:

var fs = require('fs');

fs.watchFile('file', function (curr, prev) {

However, as of Node v0.8.0, fs.watchFile no longer uses IOWatcher , and now uses stat polling, which is slow and does not provide realtime updates. 但是,从Node v0.8.0开始, fs.watchFile不再使用IOWatcher ,现在使用stat轮询,这很慢并且不提供实时更新。 This was discussed on GitHub . 这在GitHub上进行了讨论。

From the Node changelog : 从节点更改日志

Deprecate iowatcher, fs: fix fs.watchFile() (Ben Noordhuis) 弃用iowatcher,fs:fix fs.watchFile()(Ben Noordhuis)

Instead, an alternate solution is now fs.watch and fs.stat : 相反,另一种解决方案现在是fs.watchfs.stat

var fs = require('fs');

fs.watch('file', function (curr, prev) {
  fs.stat('file', function (err, stats) {

使用fs.stat回调: watchFile只是让你知道它改变了,它不报告的变化细节。

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