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Apache mod_rewrite和正则表达式

[英]Apache mod_rewrite and regular expression

In my HTML I want to refer to my images like this: 在我的HTML中,我想像这样引用我的图像:


but they are really located at: 但他们真的位于:


My .htaccess file is currently in the root directory of the site and looks something like this: 我的.htaccess文件当前位于站点的根目录中,看起来像这样:

RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^website\.com [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.website.com/$1 [R=permanent,L]

RewriteRule ^articles/ user/articles.php [L]
RewriteRule ^gallery/ info/gallery.php [L]

I have to do this because in the last possible moment the client decided that he wants more legible image filenames and this seems like a quick reasonable fix. 我必须这样做,因为在最后一刻,客户决定他想要更清晰的图像文件名,这似乎是一个快速合理的解决方案。

I imagine that I could redirect everything from /images to /_pics and take the page title out by just using mod_rewrite. 我想我可以将所有内容从/ images重定向到/ _pics并通过使用mod_rewrite取出页面标题。 Problem is that I'm not very good with regular expressions and I don't fully understand the way mod_rewrite works. 问题是我对正则表达式不是很好,我不完全理解mod_rewrite的工作方式。 Can I get some help? 我可以得到一些帮助吗? Thanks 谢谢

The real image filename only contains letters and numbers and can be jpg or png. 真实图像文件名只包含字母和数字,可以是jpg或png。


RewriteRule ^images/(.+)/[^/]+-([^/-]+)\.(jpe?g|gif|png)$ /_pics/$1/$2.$3 [L]

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