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[英]How to convert powerpoint chart for web use?

I have some PowerPoint charts I want to convert to Google Chart or Highchart equivalent. 我有一些PowerPoint图表想要转换为Google图表或等效的Highchart。 The only current way I can think about of doing this is to manually enter all the data in the plugin but this is a real painful process. 我能想到的唯一当前方法是在插件中手动输入所有数据,但这确实是一个痛苦的过程。 Is there any API that supports this type of conversion or maybe a converter I can use to convert the powerpoint charts to web format? 是否有支持这种类型的转换的API,或者我可以用来将Powerpoint图表转换为Web格式的转换器? Thanks. 谢谢。

On looking for a solution, the closest I could find was HighCharts. 在寻找解决方案时,我能找到的最接近的是HighCharts。 The examples looked exactly like what I wanted and it was very easy to use and supply data for. 这些示例看起来完全像我想要的,并且非常易于使用和提供数据。 I copied out all the charts data to notepad, and used the following code to format them for use in HighCharts: 我将所有图表数据复制到记事本中,并使用以下代码格式化它们以用于HighCharts:

        var allfiles = File.ReadAllLines("file.txt");
        foreach (string s in allfiles)
            var line = s.Split('\t');
            var sn = string.Format("['{0}', {1}],\r\n", line[0], line[1]);
            File.AppendAllText("nfile.txt", sn);

See sample . 参见示例


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