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使用mod_rewrite与XAMPP和Windows 7 - 64位?

[英]using mod_rewrite with XAMPP and windows 7 - 64 bit?

i have a simple mod_rewrite rule which allow me to re-direct any requests that are not actual files or directories to the index.php file 我有一个简单的mod_rewrite规则,允许我将任何非实际文件或目录的请求重定向到index.php文件

    Options +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch 
    RewriteEngine On 
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f 
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

in PHP file i put this simple code to handle this navigation 在PHP文件中我把这个简单的代码来处理这个导航

$navString = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; // Returns "/Mod_rewrite/edit/1/"
$parts = explode('/', $navString); // Break into an array
// Lets look at the array of items we have:

my development environment is XAMPP and Windows 7 - 64 bit httpd.conf file 我的开发环境是XAMPP和Windows 7 - 64位httpd.conf文件

<Directory />
    Options FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride All
    Order deny,allow
    Deny from all

<Directory "C:/xampp/cgi-bin">
    AllowOverride All
    Options None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

my problem is when ever i pass any varible to the scrip for example 我的问题是,当我将任何变量传递给脚本时,例如


it redirect me to the local host default page which is 它将我重定向到本地主机默认页面


Below are the instructions on how to enable .htaccess mod_rewrite in xampp. 以下是如何在xampp中启用.htaccess mod_rewrite的说明。

  1. Open and edit C:\\xampp\\apache\\conf\\httpd.conf in a text editor 在文本编辑器中打开并编辑C:\\ xampp \\ apache \\ conf \\ httpd.conf

  2. Find the line which contains 找到包含的行

     #LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so 

    and (uncomment) change to 和(取消注释)更改为

     LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so 
  3. Find all occurrences of 查找所有出现的

     AllowOverride None 

    and change to 并改为

     AllowOverride All 
  4. Restart xampp 重启xampp

That's it you should be good to go. 那就是你应该好好去。

Help: http://www.leonardaustin.com/blog/technical/enable-mod_rewrite-in-xampp/ 帮助: http//www.leonardaustin.com/blog/technical/enable-mod_rewrite-in-xampp/

解决了我刚刚将文件夹添加到.htaccess并删除Options + SymLinksIfOwnerMatch

RewriteBase /test/

A rewrite rule can be enabled through in httpd.conf or in .htaccess file. 可以通过httpd.conf.htaccess文件启用重写规则。
Instructions on how to enable .htaccess mod_rewrite in wamp/xampp 有关如何在wamp / xampp中启用.htaccess mod_rewrite的说明

Step 1: Go to the directory of installation : 第1步:转到安装目录:
C:\\xampp>\\apache\\conf or C:\\wamp\\bin\\apache\\Apache2.2.11\\conf C:\\xampp>\\apache\\confC:\\wamp\\bin\\apache\\Apache2.2.11\\conf
Step 2: Open httpd.conf in a text editor 第2步:在文本编辑器中打开httpd.conf
Step 3: Find the line which contains #LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so 第3步:找到包含#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
Step 4: Remove (#) from start of line to make module enable 步骤4:从行开始删除(#)以使模块启用
Step 5: Now Change all occurrences of AllowOverride None and replace to AllowOverride All 步骤5:现在更改所有出现的AllowOverride None并替换为AllowOverride All
Step 6: Now restart wamp/xampp server 第6步:现在重启wamp / xampp服务器

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