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“git init”失败,怎么了?

[英]“git init” failed, what's wrong?

This issue is not same as " Bad git config file .git/config ", since it failed when using git init .这个问题与“ Bad git config file .git/config ”不同,因为它在使用git init时失败了。

It seems there is nothing wrong with /home/mirror/.gitconfig: /home/mirror/.gitconfig 似乎没有问题:

[mirror@home php]$ git init
error: Malformed value for push.default: simple
error: Must be one of nothing, matching, tracking or current.
fatal: bad config file line 8 in /home/mirror/.gitconfig

This is the content of ~/.gitignore:这是 ~/.gitignore 的内容:

cat ~/.gitconfig
        lg = log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative
        email = xxxxxx@gmail.com
        name = xxxxx
        default = simple

Simple was added in git v1.7.11. Simple 是在 git v1.7.11 中添加的。 If your git version is older, this option doesn't exist.如果您的 git 版本较旧,则此选项不存在。 Simply remove it from your conf and you'll be able to init repos.只需从您的conf删除它,您就可以init repos。

See Documentation查看文档

This problem keeps coming up now that git 1.8 is out.现在 git 1.8 出来了,这个问题不断出现。 Luckily the message from git is now very helpful:幸运的是,来自 git 的消息现在非常有用:

warning: push.default is unset; its implicit value is changing in
Git 2.0 from 'matching' to 'simple'. To squelch this message
and maintain the current behavior after the default changes, use:

   git config --global push.default matching

To squelch this message and adopt the new behavior now, use:

   git config --global push.default simple

See 'git help config' and search for 'push.default' for further information.
(the 'simple' mode was introduced in Git 1.7.11. Use the similar mode
'current' instead of 'simple' if you sometimes use older versions of Git)

For example, emacs interface to git (vc) does not understand the argument 'simple', so you are better off using the argument 'matching' for the time being.例如,git (vc) 的 emacs 接口不理解参数“简单”,因此您最好暂时使用参数“匹配”。

Try updating config to use matching instead of simple for push.default .尝试更新配置以使用matching而不是simplepush.default

git config --global push.default matching


git config push.default matching

Note that it can be problematic identifying the issue, considering the problem is at:请注意,考虑到问题位于:

  • line 7 ( default = simple ),第 7 行( default = simple ),
  • not line 8 (which here doesn't exist)不是第 8 行(此处不存在)


  • Changing the value at line 7 solves the issue ( git config --global push.default matching )更改第 7 行的值可以解决问题( git config --global push.default matching
  • removing the config can help too ( git config --global --unset-all push.default )删除配置也有帮助( git config --global --unset-all push.default

But most importantly, starting git 2.2 (Q4 2014), the git config error line number will be accurate .但最重要的是,从 git 2.2(2014 年第四季度)开始, git config 错误行号将是准确的
See commit b3b3f60 , by Matthieu Moy ( moy ) :请参阅Matthieu Moy ( moy ) 提交的 b3b3f60

config.c : fix accuracy of line number in errors config.c : 修复错误中行号的准确性

If a callback returns a negative value to git_config*() family, they call die() while printing the line number and the file name.如果回调向git_config*()系列返回负值,它们die()在打印行号和文件名时调用die()
Currently the printed line number is off by one, thus printing the wrong line number.当前打印的行号差一,因此打印了错误的行号。

Make linenr point to the line we just parsed during the call to callback to get accurate line number in error messages.使linenr指向我们在调用回调期间刚刚解析的行,以获取错误消息中的准确行号。

如果您使用早于 1.7.11 的 Git 版本,请使用类似模式current而不是simple

git config --global push.default current

Since I came across this when searching for the Malformed value for push.default: simple error I got when pushing/pulling, I figured other people may as well.由于我在搜索Malformed value for push.default: simpleMalformed value for push.default: simple时遇到了这个Malformed value for push.default: simple推/拉时Malformed value for push.default: simple错误,我想其他人也可能Malformed value for push.default: simple

Here's a related question that provides more information for the passer-by (see my answer at the end for more links, too): GIT: Can't Push (Strange Config Issue)这是一个相关问题,它为路人提供了更多信息(有关更多链接,请参阅我最后的回答): GIT:无法推送(奇怪的配置问题)

Note in particular that this error seems to be caused by having an older version of Git somewhere.请特别注意,此错误似乎是由于某处使用旧版本的 Git 引起的。 The best solution is to update to the latest version of Git on all machines.最好的解决方案是在所有机器上更新到最新版本的 Git。

If this is not possible for you, simply run the following commands (as mentioned by @morefromalan):如果这对您来说是不可能的,只需运行以下命令(如@morefromalan 所述):

git config --global push.default matching


git config --global push.default upstream

to get rid of the error.摆脱错误。 This changes the default behavior of push operations as described HERE .这改变的默认行为push所描述的操作这里 You may have to to this for pull as well as push , but it seems to be working for me just having changed the default push behavior to upstream .对于pullpush ,您可能必须这样做,但它似乎对我有用,只是将默认push行为更改为upstream

Good luck!祝你好运!

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