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JSF 数据表单元格 - 如果内容太长,则剪切文本并替换为“...”

[英]JSF Datatable Cell - Cut text and replace with "..." if content too long

I would like to cut off a text if it is too long for the cell and add three dots "..." at the end (no wrapping).如果文本对于单元格来说太长,我想剪掉它并在末尾添加三个点“...”(不换行)。 The problem is, that I cant just cut the content in java after XX symbols because 'i' takes less space than 'W', which in turn would look silly.问题是,我不能只在 XX 符号后剪切 java 中的内容,因为“i”占用的空间比“W”少,这反过来看起来很傻。

How can I achiev this (if possible without Java Script) with CSS/java?我怎样才能用 CSS/java 实现这一点(如果没有 Java Script 可能的话)? Or is that not possible?或者那是不可能的?


尝试 CSS:设置max-width并指定text-overflow

text-overflow: ellipsis;

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