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[英]Add clickable hyperlinks to a RichTextBox without new paragraph

Is it possible to dynamically add hyperlinks without creating new paragraphs like in this question Dynamically adding hyperlinks to a RichTextBox ? 是否可以在不创建新段落的情况下动态添加超链接,例如在此问题中动态添加到RichTextBox的超链接

I want something like "Please visit http://www.google.com . Thank you!" 我想要类似“请访问http://www.google.com 。谢谢!”之类的内容。 not

"Please visit “请拜访

http://www.google.com http://www.google.com

.Thank you!". 。谢谢!”。

Also RichTextBox must be readonly, user cannot type in it. 并且RichTextBox必须是只读的,用户不能键入它。 It's something like log, all I need is to periodically add some text which sometimes contains URLs. 就像日志一样,我需要定期添加一些有时包含URL的文本。

OK, looks like here is what I need (thanks @Blam and @PaulN Dynamically adding hyperlinks to a RichTextBox ): 好,看起来这就是我需要的(感谢@Blam和@PaulN 动态地将超链接添加到RichTextBox ):

    public MainWindow()

        rtb.IsDocumentEnabled = true;
        rtb.Document.Blocks.FirstBlock.Margin = new Thickness(0);

    private void AddHyperlinkText(string linkURL, string linkName, 
              string TextBeforeLink, string TextAfterLink)
        Paragraph para = new Paragraph();
        para.Margin = new Thickness(0); // remove indent between paragraphs

        Hyperlink link = new Hyperlink();
        link.IsEnabled = true;
        link.NavigateUri = new Uri(linkURL);
        link.RequestNavigate += (sender, args) => Process.Start(args.Uri.ToString()); 

        para.Inlines.Add(new Run("[" + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + "]: "));
        para.Inlines.Add(new Run(TextAfterLink)); 


    private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        AddHyperlinkText("http://www.google.com", "http://www.google.com", 
               "Please visit ", ". Thank you! Some veeeeeeeeeery looooooong text.");


But one little problem left: maybe someone know how to remove blank space at the beginning which is marked with the red line on the image above? 但是还有一个小问题:也许有人知道如何删除开头的空白,该空白在上面的图像中用红线标记了吗?

As for making a RichTextBox or TextBox read only 至于使RichTextBox或TextBox只读

TextBoxBase.IsReadOnly Property TextBoxBase.IsReadOnly属性

For adding text you can use a run 要添加文本,您可以使用运行

    FlowDocument doc = new FlowDocument();
    rtb.Document = doc;
    rtb.IsReadOnly = true;

    Paragraph para = new Paragraph();

    Hyperlink link = new Hyperlink();
    link.IsEnabled = true;
    link.NavigateUri = new Uri("http://www.google.co.uk");
    Run run = new Run();
    run.Text = " next words";

You can do it with 你可以做到

        <Run Text="Please visit"/>
        <Hyperlink NavigateUri="http://google.com">
            <Run Text="google"/>
        <Run Text=". Thank you!"/>

And if you are in a navigationFrame you get the hyperlink functionality for free 如果您在navigationFrame中,则可以免费获得超链接功能

Or... 要么...

<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Text="Please visit"/>
<Button Style="linkButton" Content="Google" Command/Click="GotoGoogle"/>
<TextBlock Text=". Thank you!"/>

Note: To Remove the Blank Line from the RichText by doing the following: 注意:通过执行以下操作,从RichText中删除空白行:


move blank space at the beginning of RichTextBox as you add Paragraph Runs 添加段落运行时,在RichTextBox的开头移动空白

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