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[英]Recode NAs in multiple dataframe columns

I have multiple integer columns in a data frame, all with NAs that I need to recode to 0. 我在数据框中有多个整数列,所有这些都是我需要重新编码为0的NA。

df1 <- as.data.frame(sapply(paste(sample(letters,50,T),sample(letters,10), sep=""), function(x) {sample(c(NA,0:5),10,T)} ))
df2 <- as.data.frame(sapply(paste(sample(letters,5,T),sample(letters,10,T), sep=""), function(x) {sample(letters[1:5],10,T)} ))
df <- cbind(df2,df1)

Producing an output like this... (only the first few columns of the 55 shown) 生成这样的输出...(仅显示55的前几列)


I can go about recoding the NAs to 0 manually like df$col[is.na(df$col)] <- 0 for each column, but given that there are so many columns, it would take a while to type that all out. 我可以手动将df$col[is.na(df$col)] <- 0重新编码为0,如df$col[is.na(df$col)] <- 0 ,但鉴于列数太多,需要一段时间才能输入所有列。

How can I recode all of these NAs to 0 in a line or three? 如何在一行或三行中将所有这些NA重新编码为0?

(I realise I could melt the integer columns and then recode the one melted column, but I'd rather do this in base R) (我意识到我可以融化整数列,然后重新编码一个熔化的列,但我宁愿在基础R中这样做)


df[is.na(df)] <- 0



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