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[英]Drupal customize node add form

I am creating a custom module that allows for users to create blog posts that will be private and related to a project. 我正在创建一个自定义模块,该模块允许用户创建私有的与项目相关的博客文章。 So I created a new content_type called "tasker_blog" that just has a title and body. 因此,我创建了一个新的content_type,称为“ tasker_blog”,其中只有标题和正文。 The user goes to view their projects and clicks a link which takes them to 'tasker_project/%/blog' % being the id of the project. 用户去查看他们的项目并单击一个链接,将其带到'tasker_project /%/ blog'%作为项目的ID。 I have the form being displayed correctly but when I submit the form I have two problems, 1) the title is lost on submit 2) getting this error: EntityMalformedException: Missing bundle property on entity of type node. 我有正确显示的表单,但是提交表单时遇到两个问题:1)提交时标题丢失了2)得到此错误:EntityMalformedException:类型节点的实体上缺少捆绑属性。 in entity_extract_ids(). 在entity_extract_ids()中。

Here is the code I have written (some non-relevant parts taken out). 这是我编写的代码(删除了一些不相关的部分)。

function tasker_project_menu() {
    $items = array();

    $items['tasker_project/%/blog'] = array(
        'title' => 'Private Blog Post',
        'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
        'page arguments' => array('tasker_project_blog_form',1),
        'access arguments' => array('view tasker projects'),
        'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,

    return $items;

function tasker_project_blog_form($form, &$form_state) {
    drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'tasker_project') . '/tasker_project.css'); 
    global $user;
    module_load_include('inc', 'node', 'node.pages');
    $node = (object) array(
        'uid' => $user->uid,
        'name' => (isset($user->name) ? $user->name : ''),
        'type' => 'tasker_blog',
        'language' => 'und',

    $form = drupal_get_form('tasker_blog_node_form',$node);
    $form['hidden_project_id'] = array(
        '#type' => 'hidden',
        '#value' => arg(1),

    return $form;

If I submit with nothing else added I get the error I mentioned above. 如果我未添加任何其他内容而提交,则会收到上面提到的错误。 If I add this (using Kint to display variables): 如果我添加此代码(使用Kint显示变量):

function tasker_project_node_validate($node, $form, &$form_state) {

$_REQUEST array output: $ _REQUEST数组输出:

array (9) (
    'title' => string (4) "test"
    'body' => array (1) (
        'und' => array (1) (
             array (2) (
                'format' => string (13) "filtered_html"
                'value' => string (13) "<p>test</p>
    'changed' => string (0) ""
    'form_build_id' => string (48) "form-eKWwyFlBOzi4LsajaAiEZBG7J0uOSI1UDVIhiDomeJE"
    'form_token' => string (43) "N421-IiWecixBJGbxTHGcJAIrd6ZutzAW0LAtVSsrJ4"
    'form_id' => string (24) "tasker_project_blog_form"
    'hidden_project_id' => string (2) "10"
    'additional_settings__active_tab' => string (0) ""
    'op' => string (4) "Save"

$form_state['values'] array output: $ form_state ['values']数组输出:

array (27) (
    'nid' => NULL
    'vid' => NULL
    'uid' => string (1) "5"
    'created' => integer 1347038959
    'type' => string (11) "tasker_blog"
    'language' => string (3) "und"
    'changed' => string (0) ""
    'title' => string (0) ""
    'additional_settings__active_tab' => string (0) ""
    'revision' => bool FALSE
    'log' => string (0) ""
    'name' => string (10) "ndenlinger"
    'date' => string (0) ""
    'status' => integer 0
    'promote' => integer 0
    'sticky' => integer 0
    'submit' => string (4) "Save"
    'preview' => string (7) "Preview"
    'body' => array (1) (
        'und' => array (1) (
             array (3) (
                'summary' => string (0) ""
                'format' => string (13) "filtered_html"
                'value' => string (13) "<p>test</p>

So I'm not sure if the two problems are related or not. 所以我不确定这两个问题是否相关。 Once the node is saved I am going to add a row to a custom table that store the nid and the project_id. 保存节点后,我将向自定义表中添加一行以存储nid和project_id。

Found the solution if anyone else ever has this issue: 如果有人遇到此问题,请找到解决方案:

    drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'tasker_project') . '/tasker_project.css'); 
    global $user;
    module_load_include('inc', 'node', 'node.pages');
    $node = (object) array(
        'uid' => $user->uid,
        'name' => (isset($user->name) ? $user->name : ''),
        'type' => 'tasker_blog',
        'language' => 'und',
    $form_state['build_info']['args'] = array($node);

    $form = drupal_retrieve_form('tasker_blog_node_form', $form_state);
    drupal_prepare_form('tasker_blog_node_form', $form, $form_state);
    $form['hidden_project_id'] = array(
        '#type' => 'hidden',
        '#value' => arg(1),

I used drupal_retrieve_form and drupal_prepare_form and everything seems to work correctly now. 我使用了drupal_retrieve_form和drupal_prepare_form,现在似乎一切正常。 Not sure why drupal_build_form or drupal_get_form don't work correctly. 不知道为什么drupal_build_form或drupal_get_form无法正常工作。

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