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从Satellite DLL加载“特殊” MFC控件

[英]Loading a “special” MFC control from a Satellite DLL

I have an MFC application using satellites DLLs in order to support the multilingualism. 我有一个使用附属DLL的MFC应用程序,以支持多种语言。 I am using Visual Studio 2010. 我正在使用Visual Studio 2010。

I am able to change the language of the core part of the application without any problems. 我可以毫无问题地更改应用程序核心部分的语言。 Things go wrong when I try to load a modeless dialog containing a "special" MFC control ( CMFCColorButton , CVSListBox , etc). 当我尝试加载包含“特殊” MFC控件( CMFCColorButtonCVSListBox等)的无模式对话框时,事情出了问题。

The problem occurs at the following statement : 在以下语句中出现问题:

m_dlg->Create(SOME_IID, this); // returns false

How should I proceed to load a "special" MFC control from a satellite DLL? 如何从卫星DLL加载“特殊” MFC控件?

You must register their classes before you reach OnCreate() . 您必须先注册他们的课程,然后才能到达OnCreate() For custom controls, this is typically done in the constructor: 对于自定义控件,通常是在构造函数中完成的:

    // Pseudo code

For MFC controls, I bet there is an initialization function that needs to be called. 对于MFC控件,我敢打赌需要调用一个初始化函数。

I had the same problem: my CDialog - derived class failed in DoModal if I use localized resource dll. 我有同样的问题:如果我使用本地化的资源dll,我的CDialog-派生类在DoModal中将失败。 It contains CMFCColorButton on resource template. 它在资源模板上包含CMFCColorButton。

My solution was to call in a resource dll AfxRegisterMFCCtrlClasses(); 我的解决方案是调用资源dll AfxRegisterMFCCtrlClasses();

class CMyApp: public CWinApp
    BOOL InitInstance()
        return CWinApp::InitInstance();

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