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如何使用 document.querySelectorAll 遍历选定的元素

[英]How to loop through selected elements with document.querySelectorAll

I am trying loop on selected elements that queried with document.querySelectorAll, but how?我正在尝试循环使用 document.querySelectorAll 查询的选定元素,但是如何?

For example I use:例如我使用:

var checkboxes = document.querySelectorAll('.check');
for( i in checkboxes) {

Output: Output:

<input id="check-1" class="check" type="checkbox" name="check">
<input id="check-2" class="check" type="checkbox" name="check">
<input id="check-3" class="check" type="checkbox" name="check">
<input id="check-4" class="check" type="checkbox" name="check">
<input id="check-5" class="check" type="checkbox" name="check">
<input id="check-6" class="check" type="checkbox" name="check">
<input id="check-7" class="check" type="checkbox" name="check">
<input id="check-8" class="check" type="checkbox" name="check">
<input id="check-9" class="check" type="checkbox" name="check">
<input id="check-10" class="check" type="checkbox" name="check" checked="">


My problem is that at the end this method returns 3 extra items.我的问题是最后这个方法返回 3 个额外的项目。 How can I properly do it?我怎样才能正确地做到这一点?

My favorite is using spread syntax to convert the NodeList to an array and then use forEach for looping.我最喜欢的是使用扩展语法将 NodeList 转换为数组,然后使用forEach进行循环。

var div_list = document.querySelectorAll('div'); // returns NodeList
var div_array = [...div_list]; // converts NodeList to Array
div_array.forEach(div => {

// do something awesome with each div


I code in ES2015 and use Babel.js, so there shouldn't be a browser support issue.我在 ES2015 中编码并使用 Babel.js,所以不应该存在浏览器支持问题。

for in loop is not recommended for arrays and array-like objects - you see why.不建议将for in循环用于数组和类似数组的对象 - 你明白为什么。 There can be more than just number-indexed items, for example the length property or some methods, but for in will loop through all of them.不仅可以有数字索引项,例如length属性或某些方法,而且for in将遍历所有这些项。 Use either使用任一

for (var i = 0, len = checkboxes.length; i < len; i++) {
    //work with checkboxes[i]


for (var i = 0, element; element = checkboxes[i]; i++) {
    //work with element

The second way can't be used if some elements in array can be falsy (not your case), but can be more readable because you don't need to use [] notation everywhere.如果数组中的某些元素可能是虚假的(不是您的情况),则不能使用第二种方法,但可以更具可读性,因为您不需要在任何地方使用[]表示法。

It looks like Firefox 50+, Chrome 51+ and Safari 10+ now all support the .forEach function for NodeList objects.看起来 Firefox 50+、Chrome 51+ 和 Safari 10+ 现在都支持NodeList对象的.forEach函数。 Note— .forEach is not supported in Internet Explorer , so consider one of the approaches above or use a polyfill if IE support is required.注意 - .forEach在 Internet Explorer 中不受支持,因此请考虑上述方法之一,或者如果需要 IE 支持,请使用 polyfill。

https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/NodeList/forEach https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/NodeList/forEach

 const paragraphs = document.querySelectorAll('p'); paragraphs.forEach(p => console.log(p));
 <p>paragraph 1</p> <p>paragraph 2</p> <p>paragraph 3</p> <p>paragraph 4</p> <p>paragraph 5</p>

With ES6 , there is a static method Array.from to take advantages of Array non-static methods (map, filter, ...) :ES6中,有一个静态方法Array.from可以利用Array非静态方法(map、filter、...):

Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('div')).forEach((element,index) =>

     // handle "element"


Another use of Array.from since querySelector provides item method: Array.from的另一个用途,因为querySelector提供了item方法:

var all = document.querySelectorAll('div');
// create range [0,1,2,....,all.length-1]
Array.from({length: all.length}, (v, k) => k).forEach((index) => {
     let element = all.item(index);

A nice alternative is:一个不错的选择是:

    function (el) {

but as pointed out, you should use a for loop.但正如所指出的,您应该使用 for 循环。

A Main Takeaway:主要内容:

The type matters.类型很重要。

.map will not work directly on a NodeList but will on an Array . .map不能直接在NodeList上工作,但可以在Array上工作。

Compare these: Array.prototype.map() NodeList.forEach()比较这些: Array.prototype.map() NodeList.forEach()


ES6 available? ES6 可用吗?

  1. The spread operator [...element_list] then Array.map()扩展运算符[...element_list]然后Array.map()
  2. Array.from() on a NodeList.forEach() NodeList.forEach Array.from() NodeList.forEach()

ES6 NOT available? ES6 不可用?

  1. NodeList.forEach()
  2. A " for loop"一个“ for循环”

The shortest and cleanest way to be able to use any regular Array methods, or in your case a for in loop on a NodeList , is to spread it into an array as you fetch it:能够使用任何常规 Array 方法的最短和最简洁的方法,或者在您的情况下是NodeList上的for in循环,是在您获取它时将其传播到一个数组中:

const checkboxes = [...document.querySelectorAll('.check')];

for (i in checkboxes) {

For me the most clean and accessible is for of syntax.对我来说,最干净、最容易理解的是for of语法。 The second options for me is the spread operator ( ... ) if ES6 is available.如果 ES6 可用,我的第二个选项是扩展运算符 ( ... )。 Finally, forEach if you are building big app and you want to provide support for most of the browsers out there.最后,如果您正在构建大型应用程序并且想要为大多数浏览器提供支持,请forEach

 const lis = document.querySelectorAll('li') let results = { 'for': [], 'forEach': [], 'three-dots': [], } // ES6 bellow for (const li of lis) { results['for'].push(li) } // ES6 above [...lis].forEach((li) => results['three-dots'].push(li)) // Most browsers support it lis.forEach(li => results['forEach'].push(li)) console.log({results})
 <u> <li>Item 01</li> <li>Item 02</li> <li>Item 03</li> <li>Item 04</li> <li>Item 05</li> <li>Item 06</li> <li>Item 07</li> <li>Item 08</li> </u>

// for class
for (const elem of document.querySelectorAll('[class=".check"]'){
    //work as per usual

// for name
for (const elem of document.querySelectorAll('[name="check"]'){
    //work as per usual

// for id
for (const elem of document.querySelectorAll('[id="check-1"]'){
    //work as per usual

This provides me with flexibility on what element I would like to work with.这为我提供了我想要使用的元素的灵活性。

U can select all elements using querySelectorAll method.您可以使用querySelectorAll方法选择所有元素。 It will return an array of nodeList.它将返回一个 nodeList 数组。

Lets say u want to select all p tags假设你想选择所有 p 标签

<p>paragraph 1</p>
<p>paragraph 2</p>
<p>paragraph 3</p>
<p>paragraph 4</p>
<p>paragraph 5</p>
const paragraphs = document.querySelectorAll('p');

Now the paragraphs has a forEach method which can be used to loop through the nodelist现在段落有一个 forEach 方法,可用于循环遍历节点列表

paragraphs.forEach(console.log); (logs node)

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