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[英]export shell function to su as a user with ksh default shell

I have a situation where only root can mailx, and only ops can restart the process. 我有一种情况,只有root可以mailx,只有ops可以重新启动该过程。 I want to make an automated script that both restarts the process and sends an email about doing so. 我想制作一个自动化脚本,该脚本既可以重新启动该过程,又可以发送一封有关此过程的电子邮件。

When I try this using a function the function is "not found". 当我使用功能尝试此功能时,“找不到”功能。

I had something like: 我有类似的东西:


function restartprocess {
/usr/bin/processcontrol.sh start

export -f restartprocess

su - ops -c "restartprocess"

mailx -s "process restarted" myemail.mydomain.com < emailmessage.txt

exit 0

It told me that the function was not found. 它告诉我找不到该功能。 After some troubleshooting, it turned out that the ops user's default shell is ksh. 经过一些故障排除后,事实证明ops用户的默认shell是ksh。

I tried changing the script to run in ksh, and changing "export -f" to "typeset -xf", and still the function was not found. 我尝试更改脚本以在ksh中运行,并将“ export -f”更改为“ typeset -xf”,但仍然找不到该功能。 Like: ksh: exportfunction not found 像:ksh:找不到exportfunction

I finally gave up and just called the script (that was in the function directly) and that worked. 我最终放弃了,只是调用了脚本(直接在函数中),并且该脚本可以正常工作。 It was like: 这就像是:

su - ops -c "/usr/bin/processcontrol.sh start"

(This is all of course a simplification of the real script). (这当然是对真实脚本的简化)。

Given that user ops has default shell is ksh and I can't change that or modify sudoers, is there a way to export a function such that I can su as ops (and I need to run ops's profile) and execute that function? 鉴于用户ops的默认外壳程序是ksh,并且我不能更改它或修改sudoers,是否有一种方法可以导出一个函数,使我可以将su作为ops(并且我需要运行ops的配置文件)并执行该函数?

I made sure ops user had permission to the directory of the script I wanted it to execute, and permission to run that script. 我确定ops用户具有要执行的脚本目录的权限,并且具有运行该脚本的权限。

Any education about this would be appreciated! 任何对此的教育将不胜感激!

There are many restrictions for exporting functions, especially combined with su - ... with different accounts and different shells. 导出功能有很多限制,特别是与具有不同帐户和不同外壳的su - ...结合使用时。

Instead, turn your script inside out and put all of the command that is to be run inside a function in the calling shell. 而是将您的脚本内翻,然后将要运行的所有命令放入调用外壳程序的函数中。

Something like: (Both bash and ksh) 类似于:(bash和ksh)


function restartprocess {
    /bin/su - ops -c "/usr/bin/processcontrol.sh start"

if restartprocess; then
    mailx -s "process restarted" \
        myemail@mydomain.com < emailmessage.txt

exit 0    

This will hide all of the /bin/su processing inside the restartprocess function, and can be expanded at will. 这会将所有/bin/su处理隐藏在restartprocess函数中,并且可以随意扩展。

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