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[英]Maze with path finding algorithm

I am working on learning how to us a A* algorithm to find paths and I want to see the best way of doing this. 我正在努力学习如何使用A *算法来查找路径,并且我想了解执行此操作的最佳方法。 This is what I was thinking I want to have a start point and end point then build the maze via a build function then populate it with obstetrical then runt the A* algorithm the print off the route in a table like format basically changing the 0 to a 3 to show the path that is taken (obstetrical will equal a 1). 这就是我想得到的起点和终点,然后通过构建函数构建迷宫,然后在产科中填充迷宫,然后运行A *算法,然后以格式将表格中的路线打印出来,基本上将0更改为3表示所采用的路径(产科等于1)。 Does this sound like a good plan? 这听起来不错吗?

What I am having trouble with is that I don't know the best way to put in the obstetrical in the array. 我遇到的麻烦是,我不知道将产科产品放入阵列的最佳方法。 This is what I have so far: 这是我到目前为止的内容:

public class Maze {

 * @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {

    //start and end points in the array
    int startx = 115;
    int starty = 655;
    int endx = 380;
    int endy = 560;
    //number of collums and rows
    int row = 700;
    int col = 500;
    //size of maze
    int maze [][] = new int [row][col];

    makeMaze(row, col, maze);
    printMaze(row, col, maze);


 //fill mazz with 0
    private static void makeMaze(int row, int col,  int maze[][])
         //fill maze with 0 for initilization
        for(int i = 0; i < row; i++)
            for(int j = 0; j < col; j++)
                maze[i][j] = 0;

    //print out array/maze
    private static void printMaze(int row, int col,  int maze[][])
         //... Print array in rectangular form
        for(int i = 0; i < row; i++)
            for(int j = 0; j < col; j++)
                System.out.print(" " + maze[i][j] );

    //fill the array with obsticals
    private void makeObsticals()
        //obstical 1
        //this represent the corners of the object
        int ob1Point1 [][] = new int [220][616];
        int ob1Point2 [][] = new int [220][666];
        int ob1Point3 [][] = new int [251][670];
        int ob1Point4 [][] = new int [272][647];

        //object 2
        int ob2Point1 [][] = new int [341][655];
        int ob2Point2 [][] = new int [359][667];
        int ob2Point3 [][] = new int [374][651];
        int ob2Point4 [][] = new int [366][577];

        //obejct 3
        int ob3Point1 [][] = new int [311][530];
        int ob3Point2 [][] = new int [311][559];
        int ob3Point3 [][] = new int [339][578];
        int ob3Point4 [][] = new int [361][560];
        int ob3Point5 [][] = new int [361][528];
        int ob3Point6 [][] = new int [113][516];

         //object 4
        int ob4Point1 [][] = new int [105][628];
        int ob4Point2 [][] = new int [151][670];
        int ob4Point3 [][] = new int [180][629];
        int ob4Point4 [][] = new int [156][577];
        int ob4Point5 [][] = new int [113][587];

        //object 5
        int ob5Point1 [][] = new int [118][517];
        int ob5Point2 [][] = new int [245][517];
        int ob5Point3 [][] = new int [245][577];
        int ob5Point4 [][] = new int [118][577];

        //object 6
        int ob6Point1 [][] = new int [280][583];
        int ob6Point2 [][] = new int [333][583];
        int ob6Point3 [][] = new int [333][665];
        int ob6Point4 [][] = new int [280][665];

          //object 7
        int ob7Point1 [][] = new int [252][594];
        int ob7Point2 [][] = new int [290][562];
        int ob7Point3 [][] = new int [264][538];

          //object 8
        int ob8Point1 [][] = new int [198][635];
        int ob8Point2 [][] = new int [217][574];
        int ob8Point3 [][] = new int [182][574];

    //astar algorithum
    private void findPath()

} }

thanks for any help with this 感谢您对此的任何帮助

Sorry but I don't understand why you have declared so many two dimensional array for obstacles... as you said. 抱歉,但我不明白为什么您要声明这么多的二维数组作为障碍物...正如您所说。 . .

//this represent the corners of the object
   int ob1Point1 [][] = new int [220][616];
   int ob1Point2 [][] = new int [220][666];
   int ob1Point3 [][] = new int [251][670];
   int ob1Point4 [][] = new int [272][647];

I think from above code you want to mean (220,616),(220,666),(251,670),(272,647) are corner points of 1 obstacle. 我认为从上面的代码中您想表示(220,616),(220,666),(251,670),(272,647)是1个障碍的拐角点。

If so then I will suggest not to take 4 two dimensional array but instead mark area covered by obstacle in maze[][] array by infinity ie the highest integer no. 如果是这样,那么我建议不要采用4个二维数组,而是用无穷大标记迷宫[] []数组中障碍物覆盖的区域,即最高整数no。 (let consider it as a 10000) (让我们将其视为10000)

and for other (x,y) position,in maze[x][y] put heuristic value of each position (which means cost to reach destination(endx,endy) from that (x,y)position) 对于其他(x,y)位置,在迷宫[x] [y]中放置每个位置的启发式值(这意味着从该(x,y)位置到达目的地(endx,endy)的成本)

and then apply A* algorithm to reach from start to end. 然后应用A *算法从头到尾进行搜索。

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