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C ++:对“ f”中非成员类型“ Foo *”的成员“ Foo”的错误请求

[英]C++: Error request for member 'Foo' in 'f', which is of non-class type 'Foo*'

I know that this question has been asked before. 我知道这个问题曾经被问过。 I've tried implementing the answers, but am still running up against this error. 我已经尝试实现答案,但是仍然会遇到此错误。 If anyone has any advice, it would be greatly greatly appreciated. 如果有人有任何建议,将不胜感激。 Below is the main file, the header file, and source file. 以下是主文件,头文件和源文件。 Please let me know if you require any additional information. 如果您需要任何其他信息,请告诉我。 Thanks! 谢谢!

main.cpp main.cpp中

 * File:   main.cpp
 * Author: agoodkind
 * Reads in a .list file from IMDB
 * Prompts user for Actor or Movie lookup
 * Iterates through file
 * Returns results of query

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>

#include "ActorResume.h"

using namespace std;

// function prototypes
void printmenu(void);
void createMovieList(fstream &infile);
void movieCastLookup(void);
void costarLookup(ActorResume &, fstream &infile);

int main() {    

    char choice;                //user menu selection
    bool not_done = true;       // loop control flag

    // create input file stream
    fstream infile;
    infile.open("/Users/agoodkind/Documents/CUNY/Analysis_and_Design/Assignments/Assignment1/actorsTEST.2010.list", ios::in);

    do {
        cin >> choice;
            case 'q':
            case 'Q':
                not_done = false;
            case 'a':
            case 'A':
            case 'm':
            case 'M':
                cout << endl << "Error: '" << choice << "' is an invalid selection -  try again" << endl;
        } //close switch

    } // close do() loop

    // exit program
    while (not_done);
    return 0;
} // close main()

/* Function printmenu()
 * Input:
 *  none
 * Process:
 *  Prints the menu of query choices
 * Output:
 *  Prints the menu of query choices
void printmenu(void) {
    cout << endl << endl;
    cout << "Select one of the following options:" << endl;
    cout << "\t****************************" << endl;
    cout << "\t    List of Queries         " << endl;
    cout << "\t****************************" << endl;
    cout << "\t     A -- Look Up Actors' Costars" << endl;
    cout << "\t     M -- Movie Cast List" << endl;
    cout << "\t     Q -- Quit" << endl;
    cout << endl << "\tEnter your selection: ";

/* Function costarLookup()
 * Input:
 *      Actor name
 * Process:
 *      Looks up all actors also in actor's movieList
 * Output:
 *      Prints list of costars
void createMovieList(fstream &infile) {

    string actorName; // actor's name to be queried

    cout << endl << "Enter Actor Name: ";
    cin >> actorName;

    ActorResume *ar = new ActorResume(actorName);

    // add movie list to ActorCostars ADT created above
    // string for readline()
    string line;

    if (infile.is_open()) { //error checking to ensure file is open
        infile.seekg(0, ios::beg); // to be safe, reset get() to beginning of file
        while (infile.good()) { //error checking to ensure file is being read AND not end-of-file

            bool actor_found = false; // checks if actor name has been found

            if (line == actorName) {
                actor_found = true;

            // add movies to actor's movieList
            while (actor_found && line[0] == '\t') {

    costarLookup(*ar, infile);
    delete ar;

} // close costarLookup()

void costarLookup(ActorResume actRes, fstream &infile) {

    // string for readline()
    string line;

    // vector to store costar names
    vector<string> costars;

    if (infile.is_open()) {             // error checking to ensure file is open

        infile.seekg(0, ios::beg);      // reset get() to beginning of file
        while (infile.good()) {         // error checking to ensure file is being read AND not end-of-file

            // while looping through file, store each actor's name
            string actorName;


            // check if first character is an alphanumeric character
            if (line[0] != '\t' && line[0] != NULL) {
                actorName = line;

            // add actors name to list of costars
            if (actRes.movieInList(line)) {
    if (costars.size() == 0) {
        cout << "No costars found";
    else if (costars.size() > 0) {
        cout << "Costars of " << actRes.getActorName() << ": " << endl;
        for (int i = 0; i < costars.size(); i++) {
            cout << "* " << costars[i];

ActorResume.h ActorResume.h

 * ActorResume Specification Class


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cstring>

using namespace std;

// ActorResume declaration
class ActorResume {

    string actorName;
    vector<string> movieList;


    //default constructor
    ActorResume() {
//        actorName = NULL;

    //typical constructor implemented for creating ActorResume
    ActorResume(string aName) {
        actorName = aName;

    // member functions
    void addMovie(string);
    string getActorName();
    bool movieInList(string);
//    void printMovieList();


#endif  /* ACTORRESUME_H */

ActorResume.cpp ActorResume.cpp

// ActorResume Implementation

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cstring>

#include "ActorResume.h"

 * ActorResume function addMovie()
 * Input:
 *      Movie Name
 * Process:
 *      adds movie to movieList
 * Output:
 *      None
void ActorResume::addMovie(string movie) {
//    return;

 * ActorReusme function getActorName()
 * Input:
 *      None
 * Process:
 *      returns actor's name
 * Output:
 *      String of actor's name
string ActorResume::getActorName() {
    return actorName;

 * ActorResume function movieInList()
 * Input:
 *      string to search for
 * Process:
 *      searches movieList vector for string
 * Output:
 *      If movie is found, true
 *      Else, false
bool ActorResume::movieInList(string movie) {
    for(size_t i = movieList.size() - 1; i != (size_t)-1; i--) {
        if (movieList[i] == movie) {
            return true;
    return false;

Error: 错误:

main.cpp: In function 'void createMovieList(std::fstream&)':
main.cpp:124: error: request for member 'addMovie' in 'ar', which is of non-class type 'ActorResume*'

Error request for member 'Foo' in 'f', which is of non-class type 'Foo*' 对“ f”中非类类型“ Foo *”的成员“ Foo”的错误请求

The error tells you all you need to know. 该错误告诉您所有您需要知道的。

ActorResume *ar = new ActorResume(actorName);

ar is a pointer to an ActorResume object, not an ActorResume object in and of itself. ar是一个指向ActorResume对象,而不是一个ActorResume在其本身和对象。 So... 所以...


Should be 应该


You use the -> operator to derefence a pointer and access members of the object it refers to, not the dot operator. 您可以使用->运算符取消引用指针并访问其引用的对象的成员,而不是点运算符。 A pointer has no members. 指针没有成员。

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