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[英]mod_rewrite and trailing slashes

I have 我有

RewriteRule    ^([A-Za-z0-9-_≈]+)/?$    page.php?text=$1

to translate hits like domain.com/sample_text into page.php?text=sample_text 可以将domain.com/sample_text匹配项转换为page.php?text=sample_text

However, I want the following two conditions to also work (and give the same result). 但是,我希望以下两个条件也能起作用(并给出相同的结果)。

1) If they go to domain.com/sample_text/ I want to keep the trailing slash in the adress bar and show page.php?text=sample_text (now it goes to the right page but the css and js-paths are messed up). 1)如果他们转到domain.com/sample_text/我想在地址栏中保留斜杠并显示page.php?text=sample_text (现在转到正确的页面,但是CSS和JS路径被弄乱了)。

2) If they go to domain.com/sample_text/worthlessdata123 I want to strip everything after the /, keeping domain.com/sample_text/ in the adress bar and show page.php?text=sample_text . 2)如果他们转到domain.com/sample_text/worthlessdata123我想删除/之后的所有内容,并将domain.com/sample_text/保留在地址栏中,并显示page.php?text=sample_text

I've struggled quite a bit, but I'm lousy at regex and my head isn't working properly. 我已经挣扎了很多,但是我对正则表达式很不满意,而且我的头工作不正常。

The rules you have should suffice for the first condition. 您拥有的规则应足以满足第一个条件。 If someone goes to domain.com/sample_text/ , the URI sample_text/ matches and should get served the content at /page.php?text=sample_text while the browser's URL address bar remains unchanged. 如果有人访问domain.com/sample_text/ ,则URI sample_text/匹配,并且应该在/page.php?text=sample_text处获取内容,而浏览器的URL地址栏保持不变。

For the second condition, you need to add a rule to handle that: 对于第二种情况,您需要添加一条规则来处理:

RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z0-9-_≈]+)/.+$ /$1/ [L,R=301]

This will redirect: domain.com/sample_text/worthlessdata123 to domain.com/sample_text/ , then the first rule should take things from there. 这将重定向: domain.com/sample_text/worthlessdata123domain.com/sample_text/ ,然后第一个规则应该从那里开始。

Misread what your first issue was. 误读了您的第一个问题。 The relative/absolute paths you have in your page content is getting a different base because of the extra slash. 由于额外的斜杠,页面内容中的相对/绝对路径的基准有所不同。 When you have something like <img src="images/blah.gif"> , the relative base is derived from the URL the browser sees (not what is internally re-written by the server). 当您具有类似<img src="images/blah.gif"> ,相对基数是从浏览器看到的URL派生的(不是服务器内部重写的内容)。 So if the browser sees: http://domain.com/sample_text , the URI base is / , but when the browser sees http://domain.com/sample_text/ , the URI base becomes /sample_text/ , which I'm guessing isn't where somethin glike images/blah.gif resides. 因此,如果浏览器看到: http://domain.com/sample_text : http://domain.com/sample_text ,则URI基为/ ,但是当浏览器看到http://domain.com/sample_text/ ,URI基为/sample_text/ ,即猜测并不是glike images/blah.gif所在的地方。

You can fix this by including the base in the header of your pages: 您可以通过在页面标题中添加基本内容来解决此问题:

<base href="/">

The first problem you need to solve by using absolute paths for your assets (js, images, etc.) 您需要通过为资产(JS,图像等)使用绝对路径来解决的第一个问题

For the second problem, you need @Jon Lin's solution. 对于第二个问题,您需要@Jon Lin的解决方案。

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