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MonoTouch是否支持wcf nettcp绑定?

[英]Does MonoTouch support the wcf nettcp binding?

In Silverlight, it can load the assembly System.ServiceModel.Nettcp, but in MonoTouch I cannot find the assembly. 在Silverlight中,它可以加载程序集System.ServiceModel.Nettcp,但在MonoTouch中我找不到该程序集。 Does MonoTouch support the WCF nettcp binding? MonoTouch是否支持WCF nettcp绑定?

BinaryMessageEncodingBindingElement messageEncoding = new BinaryMessageEncodingBindingElement();
System.ServiceModel.Channels.TcpTransportBindingElement tcpTransport = new TcpTransportBindingElement();
CustomBinding netTcpBinding = new CustomBinding(messageEncoding, tcpTransport);

MonoTouch does not ship with a System.ServiceModel.Nettcp.dll assembly. MonoTouch不附带System.ServiceModel.Nettcp.dll程序集。

That was not part of the Silverlight core assemblies for Silverlight 2-4 (ie that Moonlight implemented and shipped). 那不属于Silverlight 2-4的Silverlight 核心组件的一部分(即Moonlight已实现并已交付)。

Note: Maybe it's one of the extra SDK assemblies that Microsoft allowed developer to redistribute (ie it was not installed with Silverlight itself but with SL-based application .xap). 注:也许这是额外的 SDK组件,微软允许开发人员重新分配的一个(即未与Silverlight的安装本身,但基于SL-应用程序的.xap文件)。 In such case you might want to try this assembly with MonoTouch to see if it works (since such case generally worked with Moonlight). 在这种情况下,您可能希望尝试使用MonoTouch进行装配,以查看其是否有效(因为这种情况通常适用于Moonlight)。

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