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[英]Handling button click event of dynamically loaded user control?

I am trying to handle a button click event of a dynamically loaded usercontrol from my host page. 我正在尝试从主机页面处理动态加载的用户控件的按钮单击事件。 My relevant code is posted below, I think I'm on the right path but what else do I need to make this function properly? 我的相关代码发布在下面,我想我走了正确的道路,但是要使此功能正常运行,我还需要做什么? I am currently receiveing "Error binding to target method." 我目前收到“错误绑定到目标方法”。 when I try to create the usercontrol. 当我尝试创建用户控件时。 Thanks in advance for any assistance! 在此先感谢您的协助!

aspx aspx

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="upLeadComm" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
        <asp:PlaceHolder ID="phComm" runat="server"></asp:PlaceHolder>

aspx.cs aspx.cs

else if (e.CommandName == "GetComm")
    string[] cplArg = e.CommandArgument.ToString().Split('§');

    UserControl ucLeadComm = (UserControl)LoadControl("Controls/Comments.ascx");

    // Set the Usercontrol Type 
    Type ucType = ucLeadComm.GetType();

    // Get access to the property 
    PropertyInfo ucPropLeadID = ucType.GetProperty("LeadID");
    PropertyInfo ucPropLeadType = ucType.GetProperty("LeadType");

    EventInfo ucEventInfo = ucType.GetEvent("BtnCommClick");
    MethodInfo ucMethInfo = ucType.GetMethod("btnComm_Click");
    Delegate handler = Delegate.CreateDelegate(ucEventInfo.EventHandlerType, ucType, ucMethInfo);
    ucEventInfo.AddEventHandler(ucType, handler);

    // Set the property 
    ucPropLeadID.SetValue(ucLeadComm, Convert.ToInt32(cplArg[0]), null);
    ucPropLeadType.SetValue(ucLeadComm, cplArg[1], null);



ascx.cs ascx.cs

public int LeadID { get; set; }
public string LeadType { get; set; }
public event EventHandler BtnCommClick;

public void btnComm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    BtnCommClick(sender, e);

I am receiving the error from this line: Delegate handler = Delegate.CreateDelegate(ucEventInfo.EventHandlerType, ucType, ucMethInfo); 我从此行收到错误:委托处理程序= Delegate.CreateDelegate(ucEventInfo.EventHandlerType,ucType,ucMethInfo);

The problem is that your passing ucType while you should pass an instance of your UserControl, so try to do: 问题是您在传递ucType同时应该传递UserControl的实例,因此请尝试执行以下操作:

Delegate handler = Delegate.CreateDelegate(ucEventInfo.EventHandlerType, ucLeadComm, ucMethInfo);

I'm not sure that ucLeadComm is an istance of the UserControl because I've never used LoadControl() , so if it isn't use: Activator.CreateInstance(); 我不确定ucLeadComm是否是UserControl的一个ucLeadComm ,因为我从未使用过LoadControl() ,所以如果不使用它,请执行以下操作: Activator.CreateInstance(); or use GetContructor() and Invoke() it to create an instance of your object. 或使用GetContructor()Invoke()创建对象的实例。

EDIT 1: 编辑1:

Thanks for the responses, I now receive "Object does not match target type." 感谢您的答复,我现在收到“对象与目标类型不匹配”。 on the next line: ucEventInfo.AddEventHandler(ucType, handler); 在下一行:ucEventInfo.AddEventHandler(ucType,handler);

Also in that line you should pass an instance of your UserControl instead of ucType . 同样在那一行中,您应该传递UserControl的实例而不是ucType

EDIT 2: 编辑2:

Many thanks for the assistance! 非常感谢您的协助! The project builds and does not throw any errors. 该项目将生成,并且不会引发任何错误。 However, how do I go about tying this back into a method within the aspx page to actually do something when the button is clicked? 但是,当单击按钮时,如何将其绑定到aspx页面内的方法中以实际执行某些操作?

If I understood in this case you should create the method in your aspx.cs : 如果我理解这种情况,则应该在aspx.cs中创建方法:

public void btnComm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
   //Here what you want to do in the aspx.cs

And then create another handler creating a MethodInfo tied to btnComm_Click contained in the aspx.cs and passing it to Delegate.CreateDelegate() : 然后创建另一个handler创建MethodInfobtnComm_Click包含在aspx.cs并将它传递给Delegate.CreateDelegate()

MethodInfo ucMethInfo = this.GetType().GetMethod("btnComm_Click");

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