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[英]Set a new variable using variables inside a function

I am creating a web app using geolocation. 我正在使用地理位置创建一个Web应用程序。 So far I have it set up and working so when the user visits they are prompted to allow location services, then are presented with an alert (Not permanent, just for testing purposes.) 到目前为止,我已将其设置和工作,因此当用户访问时,系统会提示他们允许位置服务,然后会显示警报(非永久性,仅用于测试目的)。

I am using this: 我用这个:

navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(foundLocation, noLocation, {enableHighAccuracy:true});

function foundLocation(position)
    var lat = position.coords.latitude;
    var long = position.coords.longitude;
    alert('We know you are here '+ lat +','+ long);
function noLocation()
    alert('Could not find location');

Then I have a variable outside this called "address" which is the URL for the API call: 然后我在这个称为“地址”的外面有一个变量,它是API调用的URL:

address = "http://api.wunderground.com/api/geolookup/hourly/conditions/astronomy/alerts/forecast/q/[LOCATION].json"

My question is how can I get the lat and long out of the function and insert them into the URL? 我的问题是如何从函数中获取latlong并将它们插入到URL中? I have tried a few methods, but they all return "undefined" so I am obviously doing something wrong. 我尝试了一些方法,但它们都返回“未定义”,所以我显然做错了。

Any help is greatly appreciated! 任何帮助是极大的赞赏!

Thank you. 谢谢。

You have to understand the scope of a javascript variable, please, read this post: What is the scope of variables in JavaScript? 您必须了解javascript变量的范围,请阅读以下文章: JavaScript中的变量范围是什么?

var address = '';

function setLocation(position)
    var lat = position.coords.latitude;
    var long = position.coords.longitude;
    address = "http://api.wunderground.com/api/geolookup/hourly/conditions/astronomy/alerts/forecast/q/" + lat + "," + long + ".json";

Besides, there is a better approach to solve your problem. 此外,有一个更好的方法来解决您的问题。 The easiest approach is to create a global object with a unique name, with your variables as properties of that object and methods to change the variables, like: 最简单的方法是创建一个具有唯一名称的全局对象,将变量作为该对象的属性和更改变量的方法,如:

var geolocation = {};
geolocation.latitude = 0;
geolocation.longitude = 0;
geolocation.address = "";
geolocation.setLocation = function(position) {
    geolocation.latitude = position.coords.latitude;
    geolocation.longitude = position.coords.longitude;
    geolocation.address = "http://api.wunderground.com/api/geolookup/hourly/conditions/astronomy/alerts/forecast/q/" + geolocation.latitude + "," + geolocation.longitude + ".json";
geolocation.show = function() {
  alert(geolocation.latitude + " " geolocation.longitude + " " + geolocation.address);

And so on. 等等。 Now, everywhere in your file if you use: 现在,如果您使用以下文件中的任何位置:


It will show the new values from the global object. 它将显示全局对象的新值。


Keep in mind that a variable or object in javascript will be global if there is no wrapper around it, like another function or object. 请记住,如果没有包装器,javascript中的变量或对象将是全局的,就像另一个函数或对象一样。

Can you not just update the address directly from the function like this? 你能不能直接从这个功能更新地址?

navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(foundLocation, noLocation, {enableHighAccuracy:true});
var address = "http://api.wunderground.com/api/geolookup/hourly/conditions/astronomy/alerts/forecast/q/[LOCATION].json"

function foundLocation(position)
    var lat = position.coords.latitude;
    var long = position.coords.longitude;
    alert('We know you are here '+ lat +','+ long);
    address = address.replace('[LOCATION]', lat + ',' + long);

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