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Android Widgets:updateAppWidget()未调用onDataSetChanged

[英]Android Widgets: onDataSetChanged not called by updateAppWidget()

I have a ListView-based widget running well, and it relies on a JSON web service call to populate itself. 我有一个基于ListView的小部件运行良好,它依赖于JSON Web服务调用来填充自己。 I have a refresh button which works great, and forces a reload from the web. 我有一个很好的刷新按钮,并强制从网络重新加载。 I do it by using a custom broadcast which then calls both onDataSetChanged(), then updateAppWidget() in sequence. 我通过使用自定义广播来执行此操作,然后调用onDataSetChanged(),然后按顺序调用updateAppWidget()。 What I have found is that when Android updates the widget automatically (based on the time interval set it my XML definition), only updateAppWidget() seems to be called, and my onDataSetChanged() function never runs, leading to an updated timestamp (which I update in each updateAppWidget() call), but stale data. 我发现当Android自动更新窗口小部件时(基于设置我的XML定义的时间间隔),似乎只调用了updateAppWidget(),并且我的onDataSetChanged()函数从不运行,导致更新的时间戳(我在每个updateAppWidget()调用中更新,但是陈旧的数据。

How can I force Android to call or trigger onDataSetChanged() at a given interval? 如何强制Android以给定的间隔调用或触发onDataSetChanged()?

结果我需要在AppWidgetProvider.onUpdate()方法中调用AppWidgetManager.notifyAppWidgetViewDataChanged(widgetId, view)


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