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如何在 Jekyll 中链接 if 语句?

[英]How do I chain if statements in Jekyll?

I am using a logic operator in Jekyll but it's not working.我在 Jekyll 中使用逻辑运算符,但它不起作用。

Page one, two and three all use the same layout (part of a multilingual solution, works good but requires logical loops for some layout control to keep things DRY.)第一页、第二页和第三页都使用相同的布局(多语言解决方案的一部分,效果很好,但需要一些布局控制的逻辑循环以保持干燥。)

Here's the code:这是代码:

{% if page.type == "post" %}
{% include post.html %}
{% elseif page.class == "contact" %}
{% include contact.html %}
{% else %}
{{ content }}
{% endif %}

If I break it down to just an else and an if else setup, with any two of the tree, everything works.如果我将它分解为一个else和一个if else设置,使用任意两个树,一切正常。 But as soon as I use a third condition it breaks.但是一旦我使用第三个条件,它就会中断。 Am I limited to two conditionals with Jekyll? Jekyll 是否仅限于两个条件? I can potentially restructure to make a case operator applicable, but I'd prefer to understand the fundamental problem here.我可能会重组以使case运算符适用,但我更愿意理解这里的基本问题。 Thanks all.谢谢大家。

In Jekyll/Liquid else-if is spelt elsif , ie:在 Jekyll/Liquid 中 else-if 拼写为elsif ,即:

{% if page.type == "post" %}
{% include post.html %}
{% elsif page.class == "contact" %}
{% include contact.html %}
{% else %}
{{ content }}
{% endif %}

You can either use else if or elsif .您可以使用else ifelsif elseif is wrong and will throw an error. elseif是错误的,会抛出错误。

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