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[英]Creating a final Java class array of enum constants with values( )

Inside a Java enumerated class, I'd like to create a final static array containing the values() of the class. 在Java枚举类中,我想创建一个包含类的values()final static数组。 When I do this along the following lines, the resulting array is null . 当我沿着以下行执行此操作时,结果数组为null

public enum Name {
    E1( stuff ), E2( stuff );
    private static final Name[] values = Name.values();

    private Name( stuff ) { more stuff; }

I've also tried doing this by calling an explicit class setter method, but this gave an java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError exception. 我也试过通过调用一个显式的类setter方法来做到这一点,但是这给了一个java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError异常。

I understand the problem is caused by some shallow dependencies as the stuff in the previous code uses other classes, which themselves depend on the enumerated class. 我理解这个问题是由一些浅的依赖引起的,因为前面代码中的stuff使用了其他类,这些类本身依赖于枚举类。

Is there a tested and proven technique to achieve what I need? 是否有经过测试和验证的技术来实现我的需求?

tl;dr: what you're trying to do isn't possible - static fields of an enum type don't get initialized until after all the constructor calls have completed. tl; dr:你想要做的事情是不可能的 - 枚举类型的静态字段在所有构造函数调用完成之后才会被初始化。

Consider this example: 考虑这个例子:

public enum Name {
  E1("hello"), E2("world");

  private static final Name[] values = values();

  private Name(String val) {
    System.out.println("val = " + val);

  protected void dump() {
    System.out.println("this = " + this + ", values = " + values);

Note that the reason for the existence of the dump method is that it is a compile-time error ( Java Language Spec section 8.9.2 ) to try and reference the value field from inside the constructor of Name . 请注意,存在dump方法的原因是尝试从Name的构造函数内部引用value字段是编译时错误( Java语言规范部分8.9.2 )。 With this test harness: 有了这个测试工具:

public class Main {
  public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {

we get 我们得到

$ java Main
val = hello
this = E1, values = null
val = world
this = E2, values = null

Decompiling the Name class with javap we see the following: 使用javap反编译Name类,我们看到以下内容:

private static final Name[] $VALUES;

public static Name[] values();
   0:   getstatic   #1; //Field $VALUES:[LName;
   3:   invokevirtual   #2; //Method "[LName;".clone:()Ljava/lang/Object;
   6:   checkcast   #3; //class "[LName;"
   9:   areturn

The compiler creates a private field $VALUES holding the value array, and the values() method is implemented as { return (Name[])$VALUES.clone() } . 编译器创建一个包含值数组的私有字段$VALUES ,而values()方法实现为{ return (Name[])$VALUES.clone() } So how does $VALUES get initialized? 那么$VALUES如何初始化?

static {};
   0:   new #4; //class Name
   3:   dup
   4:   ldc #19; //String E1
   6:   iconst_0
   7:   ldc #20; //String hello
   9:   invokespecial   #21; //Method "<init>":(Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;)V
   12:  putstatic   #22; //Field E1:LName;
   15:  new #4; //class Name
   18:  dup
   19:  ldc #23; //String E2
   21:  iconst_1
   22:  ldc #24; //String world
   24:  invokespecial   #21; //Method "<init>":(Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;)V
   27:  putstatic   #25; //Field E2:LName;
   30:  iconst_2
   31:  anewarray   #4; //class Name
   34:  dup
   35:  iconst_0
   36:  getstatic   #22; //Field E1:LName;
   39:  aastore
   40:  dup
   41:  iconst_1
   42:  getstatic   #25; //Field E2:LName;
   45:  aastore
   46:  putstatic   #1; //Field $VALUES:[LName;
   49:  invokestatic    #26; //Method values:()[LName;
   52:  putstatic   #18; //Field values:[LName;
   55:  return


What we see here is that the initialization essentially does: 我们在这里看到的是初始化基本上是这样的:

// compiler-generated initialization code
E1 = new Name("hello");
E2 = new Name("world");
$VALUES = new Name[] {E1, E2};

// static initializer of the values field
values = Name.values();

so during the execution of the constructor calls, the values field will be null and the values() method will throw a NullPointerException (which will get wrapped in an ExceptionInInitializerError). 所以在执行构造函数调用期间, values字段将为null,而values()方法将抛出NullPointerException(它将包含在ExceptionInInitializerError中)。

Can you provide an example where this happens because it shouldn't be null. 你能提供一个例子,因为它不应该是null。

public class Main {
    public enum Name {
        E1(  ), E2(  );
        private static final Name[] VALUES = Name.values();

    public static void main(String... args) {

prints 版画

[E1, E2]

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