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如何使用和检查HipHop for PHP的性能改进?

[英]How to use and check the performance improvement by HipHop for PHP?

I am impressed by the discussions around HipHop PHP from Facebook, also want to try it once. 来自Facebook的关于HipHop PHP的讨论给我留下了深刻的印象,也想尝试一次。 I found many articles saying how HipHop is improving performance and I found installation steps as well. 我发现许多文章都说HipHop如何提高性能,并且还找到了安装步骤。 But no where I found the steps/guide to use this HipHop and check the performance improvement. 但是我在哪里找不到使用此HipHop并检查性能改进的步骤/指南。

I guess many people already used the HipHop, so please let me know the exact steps to use the HipHop and check the performance improvement. 我想很多人已经在使用HipHop,所以请让我知道使用HipHop的确切步骤并检查性能改进。 If you know there are already some blogs or something to specify the corresponding flow then at least please point me to those resources. 如果您知道已经有一些博客或一些东西来指定相应的流程,那么至少请向我指出这些资源。

FYI: I have already installed the HipHop in my Ubuntu 12.04 LTS by following the instructions from the wiki page , but don't know to use that. 仅供参考:我已经按照Wiki页面上的说明在我的Ubuntu 12.04 LTS中安装了HipHop,但不知道要使用它。 I am using CodeIgniter framework in my project. 我在我的项目中使用CodeIgniter框架。

One approach (for a web application) would be to run ab , a pretty simple benchmarking tool. 一种方法(针对Web应用程序)是运行ab ,这是一个非常简单的基准测试工具。

It will not take other resources like images or scripts into account, but only response time of the page itself, so you should get a decent idea about what the load times were before and after. 它不会考虑图像或脚本之类的其他资源,而只会考虑页面本身的响应时间,因此您应该对加载时间之前和之后的情况有个不错的了解。 To test concurrenct request handling, it has options for parallel requests. 为了测试并发请求处理,它具有并行请求选项。

Basic usage is something like 基本用法类似于

ab -n2000 -c5 http://www.example.com

Where n is the amoutn of requests and c is the concurrency level 其中n是请求的数量,c是并发级别

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