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[英]c# methods within methods

In Delphi, you can define functions within functions, example : 在Delphi中,您可以在函数中定义函数,例如:

function Foo : integer;
var myvar : integer;
    function Foo1;
        myvar := 42;
    result := myvar;

This returns 42 as expected because Foo1 has access to Foo's myvar. 这会按预期返回42,因为Foo1可以访问Foo的myvar。

Is there any equivalent in C#? C#中有没有相应的东西?

Yes, there are many ways to do this. 是的,有很多方法可以做到这一点。 One way is to declare Func or Action delegates as follows: 一种方法是声明FuncAction委托如下:

void Foo()
    Func<int,int> f = x => x+1;
    Func<int,int> ff = x => {
        return x+1;
    var r = f(1); //2
    var rr = ff(2); //3

    Func<int,int,int> add => (a,b) => a+b;
    var rrr = add(2,3); //5

The shorthand declaration ( => ) is commonly used in Linq. 简写声明( => )常用于Linq。 See lambdas . lambdas

There are many generic Func and Action delegates declared in the BCL (or whatever it's called nowdays) to allow for all but the stupidest length parameter lists. 在BCL(或称为nowdays)中声明了许多通用的FuncAction委托,以允许除了最愚蠢的长度参数列表之外的所有参数。 You could always declare your own generic delegates if you need more parameters. 如果需要更多参数,可以随时声明自己的通用委托。

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