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[英]Detect if the mouse cursor is hidden or visible by any other application

I want to detect if the mouse is currently hidden, something that is often done by 3D applications on Windows. 我想检测鼠标当前是否隐藏,这通常是由Windows上的3D应用程序完成的。 This appears to be trickier than it sounds as I can't find any way to do this. 这似乎比听起来更棘手,因为我找不到任何方法来做到这一点。

Preferably I want to do this using Python but if that's not possible I could resort to C. Thanks! 我希望用Python做这个,但如果不可能,我可以求助于C.谢谢!

The GetCursorInfo function returns a CURSORINFO structure that has a flags field that contains the global cursor state. GetCursorInfo函数返回CURSORINFO结构,该结构具有包含全局游标状态的flags字段。 Would this do what you need? 这会做你需要的吗? I'm not familiar with Python so I don't know if you can call this function from Python. 我不熟悉Python,所以我不知道你是否可以从Python调用这个函数。

You'll need to call the GetCursorInfo function. 您需要调用GetCursorInfo函数。 This can be done straightforwardly using the pywin32 library . 这可以使用pywin32库直接完成。 Or, if you'd rather not install external Python libraries, you can use the ctypes module to directly access the function from User32.dll. 或者,如果您不想安装外部Python库,则可以使用ctypes模块直接从User32.dll访问该函数。

Example: 例:

import ctypes

# Argument structures
class POINT(ctypes.Structure):
    _fields_ = [('x', ctypes.c_int),
                ('y', ctypes.c_int)]

class CURSORINFO(ctypes.Structure):
    _fields_ = [('cbSize', ctypes.c_uint),
                ('flags', ctypes.c_uint),
                ('hCursor', ctypes.c_void_p),
                ('ptScreenPos', POINT)]

# Load function from user32.dll and set argument types
GetCursorInfo = ctypes.windll.user32.GetCursorInfo
GetCursorInfo.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(CURSORINFO)]

# Initialize the output structure
info.cbSize = ctypes.sizeof(info)

# Call it
if GetCursorInfo(ctypes.byref(info)):
    if info.flags & 0x00000001:
        pass  # The cursor is showing
    pass  # Error occurred (invalid structure size?)

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