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[英]Symfony2 vhost doesn't redirect to app.php

I've push my Symfony application on my server (Ubuntu 12.04, blog.dck.me) and when I go on, no problem but when you try to read an article, you've got a 404 error and then if you add app.php at first of the URL, it works ! 我已将我的Symfony应用程序推送到服务器(Ubuntu 12.04,blog.dck.me)上,继续进行时没问题,但是当您尝试阅读文章时,出现404错误,然后添加了应用程序URL开头的.php可以正常工作!

It's not a rule problem, I fixed 777 for this folder. 这不是规则问题,我为此文件夹修复了777。 I cleared prod cache. 我清除了产品缓存。 I checked routing with php app/console router:debug --env=prod, it's ok i've got all route. 我用php app /控制台路由器检查了路由:debug --env = prod,没关系,我有所有路由。 I check many and many tim my vhost and when I change the DirectoryIndex to app_dev.php, the page print a javascript alert indicating "the toolbar can't be loaded" .. 我检查了许多虚拟主机,当我将DirectoryIndex更改为app_dev.php时,页面上打印了一个JavaScript警报,指示“无法加载工具栏”。

My vhost : 我的虚拟主机:

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName blog.dck.me
DocumentRoot /var/www/blog/web
DirectoryIndex app.php
<Directory "/var/www/blog/web">
    DirectoryIndex app.php
    Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks SymLinksifOwnerMatch
    AllowOverride All
    Allow from All

I hope you'll get more idea. 希望您能有更多的主意。

Thank you. 谢谢。

If www.sitename.com/app.php works then it is not a problem of symfony and your vhost is okay. 如果www.sitename.com/app.php可以工作,那么这不是symfony的问题,您的虚拟主机也可以。 Also .htaccess is fine and you don't need to set DirectoryIndex app.php .htaccess也很好,您不需要设置DirectoryIndex app.php

have you checked that mod_rewrite is enabled? 您是否检查过启用了mod_rewrite? try this on your console: 在您的控制台上尝试:

    apachectl -t -D DUMP_MODULES | grep rewrite

if you don't have results then you need to enable it adding the line on httpd.conf 如果没有结果,则需要启用它,并在httpd.conf上添加该行

    LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so

Yes, there is : 就在这里 :

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  RewriteEngine On
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
  RewriteRule ^(.*)$ app.php [QSA,L]

after modifying your vhost file, have you been restarting your webserver? 修改vhost文件后,您是否正在重新启动Web服务器?

eg, for apache, 例如对于阿帕奇

sudo apachectl graceful

After many times, I founded the solution ! 经过很多次,我找到了解决方案! The problem was in my username.conf (/etc/apache2/users), in this file the keyword "FollowSymLinks" was missing. 问题出在我的username.conf(/ etc / apache2 / users)中,此文件中缺少关键字“ FollowSymLinks”。

<Directory "/Users/DCK/Sites/">
   Options FollowSymlinks Indexes Multiviews
   AllowOverride All
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all

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