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[英]Appending query strings to URL

"Appending an url with appendages that were already in the previous url?" “在网址中附加上一个网址中已经存在的附件?” That's the most confusing title -- I know. 那是最令人困惑的标题-我知道。 But I can't think of a better way to explain it. 但是我想不出更好的方法来解释它。

Maybe the below example will help. 也许下面的例子会有所帮助。

I have URL 1: http://example.com/?value=xyz&stuff=abc 我有网址1: http://example.com/?value=xyz&stuff=abchttp://example.com/?value=xyz&stuff=abc

If someone clicks on a link within the page, can I pass along the appended values? 如果有人单击页面内的链接,我可以传递附加值吗?

ie: http://www.example.org/?value=xyz&stuff=abc 即: http://www.example.org/?value=xyz&stuff=abchttp://www.example.org/?value=xyz&stuff=abc value = http://www.example.org/?value=xyz&stuff=abc stuff = http://www.example.org/?value=xyz&stuff=abc

Thanks and sorry for being such a noob. 感谢和抱歉成为这样的菜鸟。

These appendages you ask about is the actual so called query part of an URI: 您询问的这些附件是URI的实际所谓查询部分:


  \_/   \______________/\_________/ \_________/ \__/
   |           |            |            |        |
scheme     authority       path        query   fragment

Taken from: 3. Syntax Components (RFC 3986) http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#page-16 摘自: 3.语法组件 (RFC 3986) http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#page-16

You then need a helper function that is append the (optional) <query> to an existing <scheme>://<authority><path> part. 然后,您需要一个辅助函数,该函数会将(可选) <query>附加到现有的<scheme>://<authority><path>部分。 I ignore the <fragment> for this exmaple, as it would needed to be added at the end and I want to leave something as an exercise: 我忽略了这个<fragment><fragment> ,因为需要在末尾添加它,而我想保留一些内容作为练习:

function href_append_query($href)
    $query = isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])
        ? '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']
        : ''

    $query = strtr(
        $query, [
            '"' => '&quot;',
            "'" => '&#39;',
            '&' => '&amp;'

    return $href . $query;

And it's usage: 它的用法是:

<a href="<?=href_append_query('http://step2.com/')?>Some link</a>

This little function will ensure that the exisitng QUERY_STRING which can be obtained via $_SERVER Docs is encoded for HTML output. 这个小功能将确保可以通过$_SERVER Docs获取的现有QUERY_STRING被编码为HTML输出。

If links are built with PHP, just append the original query string to them: 如果链接是用PHP构建的,只需将原始查询字符串附加到它们:

<a href="http://step2.com/?<?php echo $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; ?>">Some link</a>

In JavaScript, just append the value of window.location.search to all the links you need to 'pass' the query string. 在JavaScript中,只需将window.location.search的值附加到“传递”查询字符串所需的所有链接上即可。

You could also use js/jquery to append the existing query string to each link on the page: 您还可以使用js / jquery将现有查询字符串附加到页面上的每个链接:

 $(function() {
    $('a').each(function() {
      link = $(this).attr('href');
      query = window.location.search;
      if (link.indexOf('?') !== -1 && query !== '') {
        query = query.replace('?','&');

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