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[英]Call the base Constructor in the Constructor of the subclass

Is it possible to call the base Constructor at spicific point in the constructer of the subclass like: 是否可以在子类的构造函数的特定点调用基本构造函数,例如:

public class SuperClass
  public SuperClass(Object myObject)
     // init some values ...

public class SubClass: SuperClass
  public SubClass(): base(Object myObject)
     //Check some preconditions
     // Do some other stuff

No, it's not possible. 不,不可能。

One way to achieve this behavior you could extract the contents of the base constructor out into a method and then call that method from the subclass. 实现此行为的一种方法是,可以将基本构造函数的内容提取到方法中,然后从子类中调用该方法。

Another less closely tied method would be to just not use inheritance here. 另一个联系不紧密的方法是在这里不使用继承。 It's possible that this is a situation in which composition would make more sense. 在这种情况下,组合可能更有意义。 (It's impossible to say for sure without knowing more information though.) (但是,如果不知道更多信息,就无法确定地说。)

No, because at //Check some preconditions you'd have a partially constructed object. 不,因为在//Check some preconditions您将拥有部分构造的对象。 This would lead to all sorts of problems. 这将导致各种问题。

The right syntax is 正确的语法是

public class SubClass: SuperClass
  public SubClass(object myObject): base(myObject)


Here is link of using constructors. 这是使用构造函数的链接 It is impossible to call it in ctor's body directly. 不能直接在ctor的体内称呼它。

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