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[英]json_encode() excluding UTF-8 encoded string from output

I'm using CakePHP to output an array that contains several UTF-8 encoded strings. 我正在使用CakePHP输出包含几个UTF-8编码字符串的数组。 I have a layout set up for the output (it's a REST API method): 我为输出设置了布局(这是REST API方法):

  header("Pragma: no-cache");.
  header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, max-age=0, must-revalidate");.
  header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8');.
  header("X-JSON: ".$content_for_layout);.
  echo $content_for_layout;.

This is my view: 这是我的看法:

<?php echo json_encode($items); ?> 

My database table where I get the data is encoded in utf-8. 我获取数据的数据库表是用utf-8编码的。 But when I output the data if one of its elements has special characters like à, á, etc, the string will be set to null in the JSON array. 但是当我输出数据时,如果其元素之一具有特殊字符(如à,á等),则该字符串将在JSON数组中设置为null。 How can I properly output my data? 如何正确输出数据?

It looks like your database connection is not set to utf-8, which is the most important part. 看起来您的数据库连接未设置为utf-8,这是最重要的部分。 So add 'encoding' => 'utf8' to the database configuration in your app/config/database.php , for example: 因此,在您的app/config/database.php ,将'encoding' => 'utf8'到数据库配置中,例如:

    'default' => array(
        'driver'   => 'mysql',
        'host'     => 'YOURHOST',
        'login'    => 'YOURLOGIN',
        'password' => 'YOURPASS',
        'database' => 'YOURDB',
        'encoding' => 'utf8'

If you don't set the encoding in the connection, a "default" encoding will be used. 如果您未在连接中设置编码,则将使用“默认”编码。 The default is likely not utf8. 默认值可能不是utf8。

That most likely means your data is not encoded in UTF-8, most likely because the database connection is not set to UTF-8 and you're actually receiving the data in latin1 on the PHP side. 这最有可能意味着您的数据使用UTF-8编码,最有可能是因为数据库连接未设置为UTF-8,并且实际上是在PHP端以latin1接收数据。 See Handling Unicode Front To Back In A Web App for a rundown of all gotchas. 有关所有陷阱的详细信息,请参见在Web应用程序中处理Unicode从头到尾。

$items = json_encode( array_map( function($text){ return is_string($text) ? utf8_encode($text) : $text; }, $items) )
echo $items;

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