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[英]IIS 7 and ASP.NET 4 timeout

I have 3 applications on the same web server. 我在同一台Web服务器上有3个应用程序。 Two of them are configured in separate ASP.NET 4 application pools and and one of them is on an ASP.NET 2 application pool. 其中两个在单独的ASP.NET 4应用程序池中配置,其中一个在ASP.NET 2应用程序池中。

I'm experiencing intermitent timeouts when accessing those apps during the day. 我白天访问这些应用时遇到间歇性超时。 To track down this timeouts, I have setup a ping monitoring service (motive.com). 为了跟踪此超时,我设置了ping监视服务(motive.com)。 Here is a sample of the timeout ocurrencies log: 这是超时发生日志的示例:

app     date                            downtime        main reason
APP2    19-September-2012, at 14:51 4 mins 50 secs  connect() timed out!
APP1    19-September-2012, at 14:51 4 mins 50 secs  connect() timed out!
APP2    19-September-2012, at 14:11 2 mins 50 secs  couldn't connect to host
APP1    19-September-2012, at 14:11 2 mins 50 secs  couldn't connect to host
APP2    19-September-2012, at 9:17  2 mins 41 secs  couldn't connect to host
APP1    19-September-2012, at 9:17  2 mins 41 secs  couldn't connect to host

As you can see, both ASP.net 4 pools are timing out simultaneously. 如您所见,两个ASP.net 4池同时超时。 I'm also monitoring the ASP.NET 2.0 app pool web site and I haven't have one single timeout! 我还在监视ASP.NET 2.0应用程序池网站,但没有一个超时!

There's no pattern whatsoever related to the time of the day that it occurs (both day/night). 没有任何模式与一天中的时间(白天/晚上)相关。 Intervals between timeouts don't follow a pattern either, sometimes they happen after 40 minutes, others take some hours in between. 超时之间的间隔也不遵循任何模式,有时会在40分钟后发生,其他间隔则需要几个小时。

The timeout never lasts more than 5 minutes, but they also vary from 2 to 5 minutes randomly. 超时不会持续超过5分钟,但它们的随机变化范围也从2到5分钟不等。

At first I thought it might have something to do with application pool recycling but I've checked and recycling is set to occur after 24 hours and disabled for other events (memory peaks, etc.). 起初,我认为这可能与应用程序池回收有关,但是我已经检查过,回收设置为24小时后发生,并且由于其他事件(内存高峰等)而被禁用。

The site is infrequently accessed (it's in beta test), so there are no huge number of access, workers demand, memory consumption, etc. 该站点很少访问(处于beta测试),因此没有大量的访问,工作人员需求,内存消耗等。

I've also checked the IIS log and there are 2 to 5 minutes gaps during the hours of downtime reported by the monitoring service, but no error message. 我还检查了IIS日志,监视服务报告的停机时间有2至5分钟的间隔,但没有错误消息。 I also checked the Windows event log and haven't found anything unusual in system and application events. 我还检查了Windows事件日志,在系统和应用程序事件中未发现任何异常。

I'm really desperate right now. 我现在真的很绝望。 If someone could help me out, I'd be really thankful. 如果有人可以帮助我,我将非常感激。

Best Regards, Eduardo de Freitas 最好的问候,爱德华多·德·弗雷塔斯

很难说,但要检查的一件事是在web.config中。如果应将此设置为false,请参阅此链接以获取更多详细信息和其他要查找的项目: http : //www.hanselman.com/blog /MostCommonASPNETSupportIssuesReportingFromDeepInsideMicrosoftDeveloperSupport.aspx

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