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[英]C# - NHibernate brings multiple records on many-to-many relationship

Basically, I'm trying to pull the records from a table with a many-to-many relationship with itself. 基本上,我试图从与自身具有多对多关系的表中提取记录。 It's a product table, which has to be linked to many ingredients (other products). 这是一个产品表,必须将其链接到许多成分(其他产品)。 The problem is that when I pull the data from a product that has more than one ingredient linked to it, NHibernate returns me one instance of the object for each ingredient the product has. 问题是,当我从链接了多个成分的产品中提取数据时,NHibernate会针对该产品具有的每种成分向我返回一个对象实例。 Here's how I have my class mapped and structured: 这是我的班级映射和结构的方式:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2" assembly="TCC" namespace="TCC.Hibernate.Domain.Classes">

  <class name="Product" table="product">
    <id name="id" generator="identity">
      <column name="id" not-null="true" />

    <property name="name">
      <column name="name" length="128" not-null="true" />

    <property name="stock">
      <column name="stock" not-null="true" />

    <property name="value">
      <column name="value" not-null="true" />

    <many-to-one name="category" class="Category" column="category" not-null="true" fetch="join" lazy="false" />

    <!-- Relations -->
    <set name="ingredients" table="product_x_ingredient" fetch="join" lazy="true">
      <key column="product_id" />
      <many-to-many class="Product" column="ingredient_id" />

    <set name="suppliers" table="product_x_supplier" fetch="join" lazy="true">
      <key column="product_id" />
      <many-to-many class="Supplier" column="supplier_id" />

    <set name="saleItems" lazy="true" inverse="true">
      <key column="product_id" />
      <one-to-many class="SaleItem" />

    <set name="stockInlets" lazy="true" inverse="true">
      <key column="product" />
      <one-to-many class="StockInlet" />

namespace TCC.Hibernate.Domain.Classes
    class Product
        public Product()
            suppliers = new HashSet<Supplier>();
            ingredients = new HashSet<Product>();

        public virtual uint id { get; set; }
        public virtual string name { get; set; }
        public virtual float stock { get; set; }
        public virtual float value { get; set; }
        public virtual Category category { get; set; }

        public virtual ICollection<Supplier> suppliers { get; set; }
        public virtual ICollection<Product> ingredients { get; set; }
        public virtual ISet saleItems { get; set; }
        public virtual ISet stockInlets { get; set; }

And this is how I'm pulling the data from the database: 这就是我从数据库中提取数据的方式:

using (ISession Session = NHibernateHelper.OpenSession())
    return Session
        .SetFetchMode("ingredients", FetchMode.Eager)
        .SetFetchMode("suppliers", FetchMode.Eager)

Does anyone have the slightest idea of why? 有人对为什么有丝毫想法吗? What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

In your query, specify that the DistinctRootEntityTransformer should be used: 在查询中,指定应使用DistinctRootEntityTransformer:

return Session
        .SetFetchMode("ingredients", FetchMode.Eager)
        .SetFetchMode("suppliers", FetchMode.Eager)

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