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.Net 4.5和Azure

[英].Net 4.5 and Azure

Does anyone know when Azure will support .NET 4.5 Framework for site hosting and database migrations? 有谁知道Azure何时支持.NET 4.5 Framework进行站点托管和数据库迁移?

I searched around for a day, and realized there are workarounds: 我搜索了一天,并意识到有解决方法:

  • Via web worker role 通过web worker角色

Does anyone know when Microsoft will make .Net 4.5 available on all services on Azure? 有谁知道微软何时会在Azure上的所有服务上提供.Net 4.5?

Thank you 谢谢

As Scott mentioned the support for .net 4.5 in Windows Azure is scheduled for next month, that is all you will get. 正如Scott提到的,Windows Azure中对.net 4.5的支持定于下个月,这就是你所能得到的。

The fact is product release dates are not discussed on forums or Q/A as release of a product is important for any team. 事实上,产品发布日期不在论坛或Q / A上讨论,因为产品的发布对任何团队都很重要。 Such information is available mostly on the product specific site or someone associated with that product blog. 此类信息主要在产品特定网站或与该产品博客相关联的人员上提供。 Once release date is set either their will be an announcement about its release or you just see the product release along with announcement all together. 一旦设置发布日期,它们将是关于其发布的公告,或者您只是一起看到产品发布和公告。

We'll have even more new features and enhancements coming in the weeks ahead – including support for the recent Windows Server 2012 and .NET 4.5 releases (we will enable new web and worker role images with Windows Server 2012 and .NET 4.5 next month). 我们将在未来几周内推出更多新功能和增强功能 - 包括对最近的Windows Server 2012和.NET 4.5版本的支持(我们将在下个月启用Windows Server 2012和.NET 4.5的新Web和工作者角色映像) 。 Keep an eye out on my blog for details as these new features become available. 随着这些新功能的推出,请密切关注我的博客。

http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2012/09/17/announcing-great-improvements-to-windows-azure-web-sites.aspx http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2012/09/17/announcing-great-improvements-to-windows-azure-web-sites.aspx

Update 8 October 2012: 2012年10月8日更新:

We'll have even more new features and enhancements coming later this month – including support for the recent Windows Server 2012 and .NET 4.5 releases (we will enable new web and worker role images with Windows Server 2012 and .NET 4.5, and support .NET 4.5 with Websites). 我们将在本月晚些时候推出更多新功能和增强功能 - 包括支持最近的Windows Server 2012和.NET 4.5版本(我们将使用Windows Server 2012和.NET 4.5启用新的Web和辅助角色映像,以及支持。 NET 4.5与网站)。

http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2012/10/07/announcing-improvements-to-the-windows-azure-portal.aspx http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2012/10/07/announcing-improvements-to-the-windows-azure-portal.aspx

I spoke with a MS evangelist and he says they are in the 90 days testing. 我与一名MS传道者进行了交谈,他说他们正在进行90天的测试。 There is no official hard date set yet. 目前还没有正式的硬日期。 I was hoping to get it before my production deployment too but it did not happen, so now I downgraded to 4.0. 我希望在我的生产部署之前得到它,但它没有发生,所以现在我降级到4.0。

Vote for .net 4.5/IIS8 in Windows Azure here http://www.mygreatwindowsazureidea.com/forums/34192-windows-azure-feature-voting/suggestions/2598170-iis8-and-asp-net-4-5-support-in-azure-platform 在Windows Azure中投票.net 4.5 / IIS8 http://www.mygreatwindowsazureidea.com/forums/34192-windows-azure-feature-voting/suggestions/2598170-iis8-and-asp-net-4-5-support -in-Azure的平台

The more votes the more Microsoft will pay attention and develop for it 微软将越多地投票并为之发展投票

EDIT I received an email from Microsoft to say they will soon support applications built on .net 4.5 and Visual Studio 2012 on the cloud. 编辑我收到了一封来自微软的电子邮件,表示他们很快就会在云上支持.net 4.5和Visual Studio 2012上构建的应用程序。

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