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[英]Shared preferences only saved first time

The program creates preferences the first time but after that it never changes them. 该程序第一次创建首选项,但之后它永远不会更改它们。 I would appreciate assistance in understanding why. 我很感激帮助理解为什么。

This is the PreferencesScreen where the xml is called. 这是调用xml的PreferencesScreen。

public class PreferencesScreen extends PreferenceFragment{

private final String TAG = "PreferencesScreen";

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    Log.d(TAG, "OnCreate");

In the preferences I have a ListPreference and a Preference which calls an activity to store emails. 在首选项中,我有一个ListPreference和一个Preference,它调用一个活动来存储电子邮件。

<PreferenceScreen xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" >

<PreferenceCategory android:title="Information Collected">
        android:title="Logs Stored"
        android:summary="Choose the top kind of logs do you want to store."
        android:dialogTitle="Choose Logs"

 <PreferenceCategory android:title="Email Configurations">
              android:title="The Email Activity"
              android:summary="Just push">
             <intent android:action = "ADDING_EMAIL"/>

Everything until here. 一切都在这里。 The problems are in the activity called... 问题出在所谓的......

public class AddingEmail extends ListActivity implements OnClickListener{       

private Set<String> emails; 
private EditText emailAdd;
SharedPreferences.Editor editor;

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState){
    Button add = (Button) findViewById(R.id.add);
    emailAdd = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.email);
    prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getApplicationContext());
    editor = prefs.edit();

    prefList = toArrayList(prefs.getStringSet("emailWrongs", null));

public void onClick(View v) {
    Set<String> list = prefs.getStringSet("emailWrongs", null);
    String newEmail = emailAdd.getText().toString();        
    if (list==null){  //first time the preferences are called. 
        emails = new TreeSet<String>();
        editor.putStringSet("emailWrongs", emails);
    if (newEmail != ""){
        emails=prefs.getStringSet("emailWrongs", null);
        editor.putStringSet("emailWrongs", emails);


The point is that it always stores the first time well but if I when I add another email the preferences doesnt't change. 关键是它总是存储第一次很好,但如果我在添加另一封电子邮件时,首选项不会改变。 They looks like they change because if I printed them they show all the emails I add but the preference file doesn't change (Checking it in the File Explorer). 他们看起来好像改变了,因为如果我打印它们会显示我添加的所有电子邮件,但偏好文件不会改变(在文件资源管理器中检查它)。 And if i reboot or close and open again, the preferences are only with the first email I add. 如果我重新启动或关闭并再次打开,则首选项仅包含我添加的第一封电子邮件。 The thing is if i back to and change the preference of the ListPreference, then it stores all the changes even the emails I added. 问题是,如果我回到并更改ListPreference的首选项,那么它甚至存储我添加的电子邮件的所有更改。

Hope I was clear, it has a lot of code because i wanted to be very explicit. 希望我很清楚,它有很多代码,因为我想要非常明确。 Thank you for the help. 感谢您的帮助。

After more than a week looking for the mistake I found it. 经过一个多星期的寻找错误,我发现了它。 I think this can be helpful for a lot of people who had the same trouble. 我认为这对很多遇到同样麻烦的人都有帮助。

The problem was that when I call the preferences to get the String Set, it only reference the list and not make a copy of it. 问题是,当我调用首选项来获取字符串集时,它只引用列表而不复制它。 So I have to create a new list and add all the elements stored before and also add the new element and then with the editor change the preferences with the new list. 因此,我必须创建一个新列表并添加之前存储的所有元素,并添加新元素,然后使用编辑器更改新列表的首选项。 The code is like this: 代码是这样的:

Set<String> list = prefs.getStringSet("emailWrongs", null); 
Set<String> newList = new TreeSet<String>();
String newEmail = emailAdd.getText().toString();         
if (newEmail != ""){ 
    if (list != null){
        for(String each: list){
    editor.putStringSet("emailWrongs", newList);     

For storing a Stringset, a better way to do this is to first remove the last SharedPreferences value, then save the new one with the same key. 要存储Stringset,更好的方法是首先删除最后一个SharedPreferences值,然后使用相同的密钥保存新值。 Like this: 像这样:



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